Actor Charlie Sheen to be a new star on Twitter. He won an award from the Guinness World Record as the user who managed to collect 1 million followers in the fastest time, "Fastest Time to Reach 1 Million Followers".
And Barret Guinness as the Community Manager stated that the agency has researched and approved the record. Quoted "" from CNN, Friday (4/3/2011), Charlie Sheen was recorded making a million followers on Twitter in just 25 hours and 17 minutes.
Currently, Sheen account on Twitter, @ CharlieSheen, has more than 1.4 million followers. He joined Twitter since 1 March. Even in a matter of minutes since a user of Twitter, he already has tens of thousands of followers.
Sheen is an actor, controversial, so many wanted to know about football terjangnya. Playboy is often a spotlight, even recently, Sheen admitted going out with two women at once. His life was full of 'delinquency', from drugs to sex addiction problem.
And not just join Twitter, Sheen wanted to also rake in money from this microblogging site. He reportedly signed a contract with a company that handles the promotion of various products via Twitter celebrities. So, Sheen would be paid to tweet that he wrote about a particular product or brand
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