
Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

install and learn the marquee (text runs)

this time tips-ricky.blogspot.com , blogger tips will discuss the use of marque

What is a Marquee?
Marquee is the text runs in html language. If we see the marquee by semantics seems ga no relationship with running text, but if attention again ... ga mmmmh indeed something to do (it seems). But if we want to see more dalem, Marquee has the meaning "Big Tent," or "shelter like the roof of a building entrance door" Mmmmh ... what to do with the marquee as the text runs ...? At least in my opinion there is, through the "tent" the people passing by walking.

Here are a few examples of the use of marquee on the text. Deliberately-marquee marquee below I give the title began marquee 1.0 to 3.0.3, no privilege of naming it, just to ease me in giving explanations. Plus I include additional html code that is required, you only replace the existing text in the code "Your text".

1. Marquee 1.0
Marquee 1.0, is a standard for text marquee you can run by default (from right to left).

FORMAT : <marquee>your text</marquee>
tips-ricky.blogspot.com is a blog that contains the most complete google adsense tips, tips to increase blog traffic, and tips for bloggers

2. Marquee 1.0.1
Marquee 1.0.1 is the development of 1.0, its merits if you mouse over the text then he will rest and stop
Read phonetically

FORMAT : <marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">your text</marquee>
tips-ricky.blogspot.com is a blog that contains the most complete google adsense tips, tips to increase blog traffic, and tips for bloggers

3. Marquee 1.0.2
Marquee 1.0.2 if you use the Arabic text from right to left, then you need this Marque that runs contrary; from left to right

FORMAT : <marquee direction="right">your text</marquee>
tips-ricky.blogspot.com is a blog that contains the most complete google adsense tips, tips to increase blog traffic, and tips for bloggers

4. Marquee 2.0
Marquee has no magic abilities as the previous marquee that can penetrate the space, this 2.0 Marquee job back and forth from the invisible box space.

FORMAT : <marquee behavior="alternate">your text</marquee>
tips for bloggers

5. Marque 2.0.1
Marque 2.0.1 Development of the marquee before, with a teaser scrollamount he became very aggressive

FORMAT : <marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="18">your text</marquee>
tips for bloggers

6. Marquee 2.0.2
Marquee 2.0.2 Still the development of 2.0 with a touch of on-mouse-over stop and on-mouse-out start, such as marquee 1.0.1 if you mouse over the text then he will stop.

FORMAT : <marquee behavior="alternate" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">your text</marquee>
tips for bloggers

still have marquee third series, which you can know in the next post.
thank, read other articles on this tips-ricky.blogspot.com, how to get free blog traffic, increase revenue with google adsense and blogger tips

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