
Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

strange men who want to appear on tv

yarrow is a person who always wanted to exist on television, so he did a variety of ways to get broadcast TV. what she do to it

Yarrow into action to various opportunities. He'd always come up with messy hair, and sometimes he uses the property in the form of shopping cart or pretend to call. ''Just watch the news and use common sense to know where (the team news and) the camera gliding,''said Yarrow, the son of British fighter pilots.
Why continue to appear on television? He replied,''Action is to break the television broadcast which always prioritizes appearances, including picking out people who will be interviewed on the street.''He added,''Too many
handsome and beautiful people on television.

Yarrow is a social worker who had won the South London Press Good Samaritan of the Year. The award was given to Yarrow of concern to local people. According to him, managers prefer television station showing a blond man and seems to prevent the TV screen does not display the figure of obese men with rumpled sweaters.

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