anda lagi nyari kaos keren, yang adem dan murah saya rekomendasikan ke anda
kaos yang dijual dijamin murah, bahan oke katun combed standar kaos distro, desain gambar keren dan menarik. penjual terpercaya karena saya sendiri penjualnya (heheheehe promo dikit nie)
kaos diupdate tiap minggunya, jadi untuk melihat model dan cara pemesanan langsung aja klik link yang saya sertakan
saya berpesan bijak-bijaklah dalam berbelanja, pikirkan buat apa beli kaos mahal jika kaos dan bahan yang ditawarkan kualitasnya sama.
jadi jika agan dan aganwati ingin belanja kaos, sudah tahukan harus kemana
Rabu, 23 November 2011
Senin, 21 November 2011
Japanese women's champion in matters of sex
The Japanese are not only known resilient in the works, but also matters of sex. The average woman in the land of the Rising Matahahari, can still have sex at the age of 86 years.
Life expectancy of Japanese women sex is putting the world's longest. Similarly, data released by the World Health Organization (WHO) said WHO collects data based on reports since 2007.
Meanwhile, men who have sex the longest life expectancy is a resident of San Marino. At an average age of 81 years, men of San Marino can still have sex. Men in Sierra Leone has a life expectancy sex recorded the lowest average, at 39 years. While life expectancy of Afghan women have sex an average of 42 years.
WHO data also mentioned, Angola, Eritrea, and Liberia showed positive developments in the hopes of the age sex. While Botswana, Kenya, and Lesotho has decreased since 1990. The flat is one of 100 health trends, released by WHO.
Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011
justin biebsr and selena nude
Recently spread nude photographs Justin and his girlfriend, Selena Gomez. But still, it all just a work of art only.
Is a sculptor from the United States, Daniel Edward makes the masterpiece. In the photo illustrates how the body of a young couple was naked.
In the gold-colored statue, just a leaf that covers the intimate singer of 'Baby' is. While a small star appear slightly Selena cover private parts.
Edward gave his name on it 'Justin and Selena as One'. Edward was not the first time making sculpture from the artist.
The couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had also carved. Indiana-born sculptor, 1965 was also once made controversy by making a statue of Britney Spears giving birth.
In fact, Prince Harry and Paris Hilton has made as someone who has died. Will Justin and Selena will also be a controversy?
It will be revealed in the art exhibition 'Dallas' s New Fine Arts'.
Is a sculptor from the United States, Daniel Edward makes the masterpiece. In the photo illustrates how the body of a young couple was naked.
In the gold-colored statue, just a leaf that covers the intimate singer of 'Baby' is. While a small star appear slightly Selena cover private parts.
Edward gave his name on it 'Justin and Selena as One'. Edward was not the first time making sculpture from the artist.
The couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had also carved. Indiana-born sculptor, 1965 was also once made controversy by making a statue of Britney Spears giving birth.
In fact, Prince Harry and Paris Hilton has made as someone who has died. Will Justin and Selena will also be a controversy?
It will be revealed in the art exhibition 'Dallas' s New Fine Arts'.
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011
mendapatkan sitelink dengan cepat
Cara Mendapatkan Sitelink di Blog. Hallo sobat informasi maya hari ini kang salman mau berbagi kebahagian kepada anda semua dengan berbagi tips dapat sitelink. Nah bagi yang masih bingung dengan sitelink itu apa sitelink, baca artikel "apa itu sitelink"
Nah sesuai dengan judul di atas, disini kang salman mau berbagi tips cara mendapatkan sitelink di blog. Dan tentunya dengan waktu singkat.
Sebagai contoh, blog yang sedang anda baca ini umurnya kurang lebih 10 bulan 4 hari dan hanya ber pagerank 2, Jadi usia dan pagerank bukanlah merupakan suatu standar atau syarat suatu situs web atau blog untuk mendapatkan sitelink. oleh sebab itu saya yakin anda pun bisa mendapatkannya bahkan lebih baik dari kang salman.
Berikut ini adalah mitos sitelink yang beredar :
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog yang Pageranknya minimal 3.
Fakta : blog ini ber-pagerank 2
Sitelink di dapat dari jika website / blog yang jumlah pengunjungnya lebih dari 1000/hari
Fakta : blog ini jumlah trafiknya kurang lebih 500-720/hari
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog sudah berumur 2-3 tahun.
Fakta : umur blog ini baru 10 bulan 4 hari, dan kang salman melakukan surfing ternyata banyak situs yang umurnya lebih dari 2 tahun namuan masih belum memiliki sitelink, Jadi sitelink di dapat bukan karena usia namun sitelink berhubungan erat dengan sebaik apa optimasi yang kamu lakukan terhadap blog / website anda.
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog yang memiliki jumlah pengikut lebih dari 1000
Fakta : jumlah follow up blog ini saat dapat sitelink berjumlah 309, jadi mitos 1000 follow up tersebut adalah isapan jempol belaka.
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog memiliki jumlah pembaca feed ( jumlah berlangganan artikel) lebih dari 200,
Fakta : jumlah pembaca feed (yang berlangganan artikel) saya saat mendapatkan sitelink tidak lebih dari 15 orang, jelas jumlah feed tidak berpengaruh dengan torehan mendapatkan sitelink
Lalu bagaimana sih sitelink itu di dapat?
Setiap orang yang mendapatkan sitelink mungkin mempunyai pendapatnya sendiri, termasuk kang salman. hehe
di bawah ini adalah tips-tips yang kang salman lakukan untuk memperoleh sitelink. kebiasaan ini kang salman lakukan secara tidak sengaja dan terus saya lakukan setiap hari sampai akhirnya mendapatkan hadiah sitelink hari ini dari google.
Nah sobat informasi maya. jika anda punya tambahan atau pertanyaan silakan sampaikan di bawah ini,.. kang salman cukupkan sekian dulu ya..semoga tips dapat sitelink ini bermanfaat ^_^
selamat mencoba..
Nah sesuai dengan judul di atas, disini kang salman mau berbagi tips cara mendapatkan sitelink di blog. Dan tentunya dengan waktu singkat.
Sebagai contoh, blog yang sedang anda baca ini umurnya kurang lebih 10 bulan 4 hari dan hanya ber pagerank 2, Jadi usia dan pagerank bukanlah merupakan suatu standar atau syarat suatu situs web atau blog untuk mendapatkan sitelink. oleh sebab itu saya yakin anda pun bisa mendapatkannya bahkan lebih baik dari kang salman.
Berikut ini adalah mitos sitelink yang beredar :
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog yang Pageranknya minimal 3.
Fakta : blog ini ber-pagerank 2
Sitelink di dapat dari jika website / blog yang jumlah pengunjungnya lebih dari 1000/hari
Fakta : blog ini jumlah trafiknya kurang lebih 500-720/hari
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog sudah berumur 2-3 tahun.
Fakta : umur blog ini baru 10 bulan 4 hari, dan kang salman melakukan surfing ternyata banyak situs yang umurnya lebih dari 2 tahun namuan masih belum memiliki sitelink, Jadi sitelink di dapat bukan karena usia namun sitelink berhubungan erat dengan sebaik apa optimasi yang kamu lakukan terhadap blog / website anda.
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog yang memiliki jumlah pengikut lebih dari 1000
Fakta : jumlah follow up blog ini saat dapat sitelink berjumlah 309, jadi mitos 1000 follow up tersebut adalah isapan jempol belaka.
Sitelink di dapat jika website / blog memiliki jumlah pembaca feed ( jumlah berlangganan artikel) lebih dari 200,
Fakta : jumlah pembaca feed (yang berlangganan artikel) saya saat mendapatkan sitelink tidak lebih dari 15 orang, jelas jumlah feed tidak berpengaruh dengan torehan mendapatkan sitelink
Lalu bagaimana sih sitelink itu di dapat?
Setiap orang yang mendapatkan sitelink mungkin mempunyai pendapatnya sendiri, termasuk kang salman. hehe
di bawah ini adalah tips-tips yang kang salman lakukan untuk memperoleh sitelink. kebiasaan ini kang salman lakukan secara tidak sengaja dan terus saya lakukan setiap hari sampai akhirnya mendapatkan hadiah sitelink hari ini dari google.
- Gunakanlah kata-kata khusus sebanyak dan sesering. misal saya menggunakan "kang salman" di blog ini, dan saat berkomentar di blog orang lain.
- Gunakan kata kunci tersebut sesering mungkin di mesin pencari google.dan lakukan klik.
- Beri tanda Bold (tebalkan) di kata-kata yang ingin di optimasi
- Perbanyak link masuk ke situs anda tentunya dengan cara bertukar link dan memberi komentar yang berkualitas (jangan asal tulis komentar lalu di akhiri dengan alamat situs anda, sebab bagi sebagian orang hal tersebut di anggap spam)
- Jadilah dan Tempatilah posisi pertama di google untuk kata kunci yang anda kuasai. jangan sampai posisi terhormat tersebut di rebut oleh orang lain. sebab sitelink hanya di berikan kepada situs yang eksistensinya tinggi.
- Ciptakan internal link yang baik di situs anda. caranya, hubung-hubungkanlah setiap artikel di situs anda dengan artikel terkait (lihat : cara buat related post)
- Tingkatkanlah jumlah trafik anda. kurang lebih 500 pengunjung /hari. dan tentunya 70%nya berasal dari mesin pencari google
- Perbaiki susunan meta tag anda. silakan untuk caranya bisa anda lihat di
- Buatlah navigasi menu yang baik di situs anda. sebab navigasi menu merupakan salah satu faktor point penilaian sitelink, kata siapa kang? menurut pendapat saya pribadi setelah 6 bulan melakukan penelitian di web-web atau blog yang memiliki sitelink
- Sering-seringlah daftar ke situs directory dan mesin pencari. (lihat : cara cepat mendaftar ke 300 mesin pencari)
- Disiplin Posting.
Nah sobat informasi maya. jika anda punya tambahan atau pertanyaan silakan sampaikan di bawah ini,.. kang salman cukupkan sekian dulu ya..semoga tips dapat sitelink ini bermanfaat ^_^
selamat mencoba..
Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011
apa itu sitelink google
Sitelinks adalah kumpulan link di web tertentu dalam suatu pencarian di google, suatu web mendapatkan kumpulan sitelinks dari pencarian google, karena sitelinks jarang di dapatkan web kecuali web tersebut sudah lama sekali berdiri dan trafiknya tinggi.
Menurut penjelasan webmaster google sitelinks dimaksutkan untuk memudahkan pengguna dengan memberikan navigasi alternatif link yang ada di hasil pencarian, sistem mereka menganalisis struktur link web kita dan menampilkanya di pencarian google secara otomatis dengan menggunkan algoritma penghitungan, inilah teori yang disampaikan webmaster google tentang bagaimana sitelinks dihitung.
Google melacak jumlah link untuk hasil yang berbeda, jika sebuah web terdapat trafic dengan keyword kusus maka web tersebut akan mendapatkan sitelinks. Misalnya ada suatu merek product kusus pada halaman web anda yang tidak di temukan di web lainnya, maka banyak orang akan mengeklik web anda dalam hasil pencarian di google, kemungkinan web anda akan mendapatkan sitelinks atas merek product tersebut di pencarian google
Struktur link di web anda harus benar, link-link yang bersumber dari html web anda dengan struktur yang benar akan berkesempatan dimasukkan sebagai sitelinks
Google dapat mengunakan google toolbar untuk menentukan link, semakin banyak sebuah halaman di web anda di bookmark oleh pengunjung, semakin besar kemungkinan akan di jadikan sitelinks karena google toolbar dapat mengumpulkan banyak informasi tentang suatu website

memang saat ini cara penghitungan google untuk sitelinks kurang bisa di kontrol oleh yang punya website sendiri karena link-link yang terdapat dalam sitelink masih wewenang dari google sendiri.
sitelinks sangat berguna karena memudahkan sipencari untuk melihat alternatif link yang ada di website kita dan yang pasti akan menambah trafik pengunjung dari hasil pencarian di google.
Google melacak jumlah link untuk hasil yang berbeda, jika sebuah web terdapat trafic dengan keyword kusus maka web tersebut akan mendapatkan sitelinks. Misalnya ada suatu merek product kusus pada halaman web anda yang tidak di temukan di web lainnya, maka banyak orang akan mengeklik web anda dalam hasil pencarian di google, kemungkinan web anda akan mendapatkan sitelinks atas merek product tersebut di pencarian google
Struktur link di web anda harus benar, link-link yang bersumber dari html web anda dengan struktur yang benar akan berkesempatan dimasukkan sebagai sitelinks
Google dapat mengunakan google toolbar untuk menentukan link, semakin banyak sebuah halaman di web anda di bookmark oleh pengunjung, semakin besar kemungkinan akan di jadikan sitelinks karena google toolbar dapat mengumpulkan banyak informasi tentang suatu website
memang saat ini cara penghitungan google untuk sitelinks kurang bisa di kontrol oleh yang punya website sendiri karena link-link yang terdapat dalam sitelink masih wewenang dari google sendiri.
sitelinks sangat berguna karena memudahkan sipencari untuk melihat alternatif link yang ada di website kita dan yang pasti akan menambah trafik pengunjung dari hasil pencarian di google.
membuat blogspot terlihat profesional
Memang, kalau ingin blog terlihat labih manis , bisa ditambahin berbagi widget accesoris yang dikehendaki. Namun, apakah semua widget bisa mempercantik blog kita ? Ngak juga tuh. Ada yang malah bikin tambah lelet loading page... Trus gimana dunk ?
Tidak semua hal yang membuat layout blog kita terlihat bagus, menjadi hal yang bagus pula bagi para pengunjung. Kebanyakan Blogger pemula ( pertama kali menjadi blogger:-maksudnya) maunya semua hal masuk kedalam blognya. Namun setelah hal itu menjadi kebiasaan makin lama-makin negatif nantinya. kang salman berharap postingan ini dapat menjadi "batu lompatan" Anda. Karena akhir - akhir ini blogger sering nge-lag ( lemot ) .... Jadi biar Blog kamu selain mudah dipandang, isi bermanfaat, mudah perawatan, dan membuat pengunjung senang pastinya.
Mau tau kiat-kiatnya?
Simak Tips - tipsnya sebagai berikut :
1. Lakukan pengecekan halaman pada beberapa web browser yang berbeda: Tampilan halaman anda begitu cantik di browser firefox, dan google chrome tetapi belum tentu bagus di browser IE atau Opera atau browser yang lain. Ingat pengunjung blog anda tidak hanya menggunakan satu browser saja. untuk itu anda coba lakukan pengecekan dengan browser yang berbeda, misalkan : Firefox, Flock, Mozilla, IE, Opera, Safari.
2. Pilihan warna pada blog : Pemilihan warna memang susah-susah gampang semuanya tergantung selera pemilik blog. Jangan terlalu egois, pilih warna sesuai dengan tema blog anda. coba anda pikir jika blog anda tentang agama dengan pilihan warna hitam, terlihat janggal bukan! kebanyakan warna hitam lebih cenderung ke situs yang bertemakan underground.
3. Hindari Memasang Jam : Tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri apa gunanya memasang jam di blog anda, jika hanya sebagai pengingat waktu atau untuk mempercantik halaman sebaiknya tidak usah digunakan, apa gunanya jam pada taksbar windows. yang jelas bakal bikin load page anda semakin berat.
4. Hindari Memasang kalender : Serupa dengan tips ke empat sih intinya. Apa gunanya kalender di sidebar? orang butuh informasi dari blog anda bukan ingin melihat kalender. sekedar informasi kalender yang saya maksud adalah kalender umum, beda dengan kalender yang menampilkan sebuah posting (biasanya banyak digunakan pengguna wordpress)
5. Hindari pasang jumlah pengunjung tetap: jika blog anda baru jangan gunakan jumlah pengunjung (counter), ini akan berakibat penilaian yang buruk terhadap blog anda. walaupun untuk beberapa penyedia layanan counter menyediakan fasilitas untuk memanipulasi dan menambah jumlah pengunjung secara manual, coba anda pikir blog yang baru dibuat sudah mencapai 100.000 pengunjung apa itu mungkin?. Mungkin ada alternatif jika anda ingin tetep memasang counter visitor. coba masuk di Disana ada mode invisible counter. Jadi anda tidak perlu memasang Kotak angka di blog anda. Namun tetep bisa memantau jumlah pngunjung blog anda. Bahkan lebih komplek layaknya Google Analytic
6. Jangan memelas untuk meminta diklik iklannya : hindari kata "klik iklan dibawah ini" atau bahasa apapun yang meminta pengunjung anda untuk mengklik iklan. Jelek bgt kan , kelihatan "wong ndeso" , sampai saat ini ada beberapa blog yang melakukan hal tersebut (maaf jika blog anda termasuk dalam hal ini) siapa sih didunia ini yang suka diperintah, Tanpa anda menyuruhpun pengunjung bakal mengklik iklan tersebut jika dirasa berguna bagi mereka.
7. Jangan memasang iklan yang berserakan : Iklan yang banyak memang sangat menguntungkan, namun jangan sampai isi halaman anda hanya iklan dan iklan. Pasang iklan sewajarnya saja dan tahukah anda pengunjung sangat risih dengan adanya iklan yang telihat melebihi kapasitas dari isi halaman blog anda.
8. Hindari memasang lagu pada blog : Selain bikin halaman berat blog yang menampilkan lagu agak terkesan tidak profesional dan maaf agak terkesan jaman dulu (jadul). Tidak masalah jika blog anda tentang musik atau blog personal tapi untuk blok bisnis kayanya kurang cocok deh..terlebih musik menggangu para pembaca yang sedang menyetel media player / winamp di komputernya.
9. Menampilkan status IP pengunjung : Blog anda bukan program spy khan?, jadi lebih baik tidak usah dipasangi widget begituan, tujuannya agar pengunjung tidak merasa dimata-matai. arti singkatnya "Tidak sopan" .
10. Memasang widgets yang tidak ada hubunganganya dengan blog : Menambahkan widgets memang menyenangkan tapi jika tidak ada hubungannya malah blog anda terkesan aneh. pasanglah widget sesuai dengan kebutuhan saja ya!
Namun jika blog anda blog personal hal ini tidak akan menjadi masalah.
11. Jangan hanya Copy-Paste : Saya tidak melarang anda untuk melakukan Copy-Paste, jika memang dilakukan sebaiknya perbaiki juga code scriptnya, hargai jerih payah penulis sebenarnya karna jika hanya copy-paste tulisannya tidak bakal terlihat rapi dan kemungkinan gambar yang diikutsertakan tidak muncul.
12. Perhatikan tanda baca : Perhatikan tulisan anda apakah sudah benar tanda bacanya. Kesalahan dalam titik koma saja akan berakibat mempunyai arti yang berbeda.
13. Jangan gunakan gambar yang besar : Gambar memang mempercantik halaman anda, gambar yang besar justru jadi bumerang buat loading page anda. yang jelas blog anda pasti akan diabaikan untuk sementara waktu ketika loading page sedang berjalan. Saran saya gunakan gambar berukuran di bawah 18kb, syukur-syukur di bawah 11kb di jamin loadingnya cepet.
14. Periksa Dead link : Link yang telah mati bakal tidak disukai pembaca, jangan kan pembaca search engine pun tidak menyukai hal ini. Lakukan pengecekan dead link sesering mungkin, banyak tools di internet yang bisa melakukan tugas ini. Salah satu tool yang kang salman gunakan adalah webmastertool milik google.
15. Jangan terlalu banyak memposting artikel orang lain : Ini akan mendapat respon buruk dari pembaca, karna pembaca akan lebih berpikir lebih baik membaca kesumbernya secara langsung. Namun tidak salahnya jika anda sudah kepincut. sumber harus dutulis lho ! atau misal blog anda adalah blog info, kesahihan link itu teruji, dengan menunjukan bagaimana profesionalnya blog Anda.
16. Selalu pasang nama sumber artikel : Masih menyambung di pont no.15 di atas Blog yang profesional selalu menghargai jerih payah orang lain. Banyak blogger yang salah persepsi dengan ini, kang salman tekankan, memasang nama sumber atau link tidak akan merugikan anda sedikitpun, justru sebaliknya penghargaan atas jerih payah orang lain itulah yang membuat Anda terlihat lebih profesional.
17. Cara merespon komentar yang baik : Jangan pernah bersikap menggurui, hargai semua komentar dengan bijak walau pun ada beberapa komentar yang menyebalkan. Ingat! blog tempat orang menuangkan semua ide dan pemikiran jadi semua orang pasti mempunyai pendapat yang berbeda. Dan jangan terlalu banyak memberi komentar . Bisa dikirain Spam sma yang empunya blog.
18. Posting teratur : Jangan suka posting terlalu sering. paling tdak 1 minggu 1 kali . Yang penting terjadwal. Bisa - bisa bahan buat besok terpkai hari ini. Besok nggak punya konsep dong...
19. Jangan suka mengklik Iklan sendiri: Sebab, kalau keseringan bisa di banned iklan kamu sama yang punya iklan. Hati - hati lho. Curang itu tidak baik.
20. Buatlah sitemap situs yang jelas. SItemap menggabarkan kerangka situs, sitemap juga menggambarkan sehebat apa situs situs eksis. menurut kang salman sendiri sitemap mendorong pengunjung untuk mengenal keseluruhan isi dari blog secara singkat. oleh karena itu blog yang profesional selalu memperhatikan sitemapnya, sebab sitemap itu ibarat tulang dalam tubuh manusia.
21. Konten berkualitas, singkat padat dan jelas. bayak orang membaca di internet adalah point-point pentingnya saja, sedangkan klo panjang mereka save ke microsoft word untuk di baca secara offline. Banyak alasan yang kang salman temukan berdasarkan beberapa kali wawancara dengan kalangan mahasiswa jatinangor dan beberapa siswa SMA di Kota Bandung. "efisiensi waktu" merupakan pilihan mereka dan saku mereka.
Tidak semua hal yang membuat layout blog kita terlihat bagus, menjadi hal yang bagus pula bagi para pengunjung. Kebanyakan Blogger pemula ( pertama kali menjadi blogger:-maksudnya) maunya semua hal masuk kedalam blognya. Namun setelah hal itu menjadi kebiasaan makin lama-makin negatif nantinya. kang salman berharap postingan ini dapat menjadi "batu lompatan" Anda. Karena akhir - akhir ini blogger sering nge-lag ( lemot ) .... Jadi biar Blog kamu selain mudah dipandang, isi bermanfaat, mudah perawatan, dan membuat pengunjung senang pastinya.
Mau tau kiat-kiatnya?
Simak Tips - tipsnya sebagai berikut :
1. Lakukan pengecekan halaman pada beberapa web browser yang berbeda: Tampilan halaman anda begitu cantik di browser firefox, dan google chrome tetapi belum tentu bagus di browser IE atau Opera atau browser yang lain. Ingat pengunjung blog anda tidak hanya menggunakan satu browser saja. untuk itu anda coba lakukan pengecekan dengan browser yang berbeda, misalkan : Firefox, Flock, Mozilla, IE, Opera, Safari.
2. Pilihan warna pada blog : Pemilihan warna memang susah-susah gampang semuanya tergantung selera pemilik blog. Jangan terlalu egois, pilih warna sesuai dengan tema blog anda. coba anda pikir jika blog anda tentang agama dengan pilihan warna hitam, terlihat janggal bukan! kebanyakan warna hitam lebih cenderung ke situs yang bertemakan underground.
3. Hindari Memasang Jam : Tanyakan pada diri anda sendiri apa gunanya memasang jam di blog anda, jika hanya sebagai pengingat waktu atau untuk mempercantik halaman sebaiknya tidak usah digunakan, apa gunanya jam pada taksbar windows. yang jelas bakal bikin load page anda semakin berat.
4. Hindari Memasang kalender : Serupa dengan tips ke empat sih intinya. Apa gunanya kalender di sidebar? orang butuh informasi dari blog anda bukan ingin melihat kalender. sekedar informasi kalender yang saya maksud adalah kalender umum, beda dengan kalender yang menampilkan sebuah posting (biasanya banyak digunakan pengguna wordpress)
5. Hindari pasang jumlah pengunjung tetap: jika blog anda baru jangan gunakan jumlah pengunjung (counter), ini akan berakibat penilaian yang buruk terhadap blog anda. walaupun untuk beberapa penyedia layanan counter menyediakan fasilitas untuk memanipulasi dan menambah jumlah pengunjung secara manual, coba anda pikir blog yang baru dibuat sudah mencapai 100.000 pengunjung apa itu mungkin?. Mungkin ada alternatif jika anda ingin tetep memasang counter visitor. coba masuk di Disana ada mode invisible counter. Jadi anda tidak perlu memasang Kotak angka di blog anda. Namun tetep bisa memantau jumlah pngunjung blog anda. Bahkan lebih komplek layaknya Google Analytic
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19. Jangan suka mengklik Iklan sendiri: Sebab, kalau keseringan bisa di banned iklan kamu sama yang punya iklan. Hati - hati lho. Curang itu tidak baik.
20. Buatlah sitemap situs yang jelas. SItemap menggabarkan kerangka situs, sitemap juga menggambarkan sehebat apa situs situs eksis. menurut kang salman sendiri sitemap mendorong pengunjung untuk mengenal keseluruhan isi dari blog secara singkat. oleh karena itu blog yang profesional selalu memperhatikan sitemapnya, sebab sitemap itu ibarat tulang dalam tubuh manusia.
21. Konten berkualitas, singkat padat dan jelas. bayak orang membaca di internet adalah point-point pentingnya saja, sedangkan klo panjang mereka save ke microsoft word untuk di baca secara offline. Banyak alasan yang kang salman temukan berdasarkan beberapa kali wawancara dengan kalangan mahasiswa jatinangor dan beberapa siswa SMA di Kota Bandung. "efisiensi waktu" merupakan pilihan mereka dan saku mereka.
Jumat, 29 Juli 2011
foto telanjang sarah azhari
tadi baru saja bogwalking ke blog tetangga, ada 1 judul membuat saya penasaran. foto sarah azhari keliatan toketnya. karena penasaran sayapun mengklik judul tersebut dan benar saja foto sarah azhari, dan sayapun membagikan foto tersebut kepada pembaca
berikut penampakannya
berikut penampakannya
Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011
discovery of fish like crocodile | video
A fish with a head like a crocodile was found Suparto, a resident of Mojokerto, East Java. This fish was found on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 in Swimming Segaran which are relics of the Majapahit Kingdom.
Suparto discovered this fish while fishing. He said he was surprised because she thought that he threw the bait is eaten by a crocodile. But, it turns out that eating is a fish.
Suparto actually not the person who first discovered this species of fish. In 2009 the citizens Sukolali, Surabaya also discovered a kind of fish. In addition, West Java, and on Tegal in 2011 also found this crocodile-like fish heads.
Crocodile-headed fish like this is the type of alligator gar or Lepisosteusidae Latin language which is a species native to North America. These fish are very aggressive predators that prey on other small fish.
Not yet known, how these fish can get to the rivers in Indonesia, including in the pool this Majapahit legacy.
Suparto discovered this fish while fishing. He said he was surprised because she thought that he threw the bait is eaten by a crocodile. But, it turns out that eating is a fish.
Suparto actually not the person who first discovered this species of fish. In 2009 the citizens Sukolali, Surabaya also discovered a kind of fish. In addition, West Java, and on Tegal in 2011 also found this crocodile-like fish heads.
Crocodile-headed fish like this is the type of alligator gar or Lepisosteusidae Latin language which is a species native to North America. These fish are very aggressive predators that prey on other small fish.
Not yet known, how these fish can get to the rivers in Indonesia, including in the pool this Majapahit legacy.
Unique animal,
unique news
United States
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
daughters victoria beckham, book caused a sales spike
What is the relationship between a daughter of Victoria and David Beckham to the sale of the classic novel To Kill A Mockingbird? Oh, it was pretty close. Because of the naming of their daughter by the name of the author of the book, sales of novels published in 1960 it increased rapidly in cash. Wow, hebatnyo.
Although he was not yet two weeks, it seems the little Harper Seven Beckham has inherited his mother's supernatural powers. Associated with the fashion trend of Victoria, Harper has become a trendsetter!
According to the Daily Mail, the sale of the novel To Kill A Mockingbird at site rose dramatically after Victoria and David Beckham announced their daughter's name. Want to know what percentage increase? Achieve 123%! Fabulous!
How? Well, that explains how magic charm of this pair. Apparently the cause is just because the name of the princess, "Harper Seven Beckham" they took from the name of Harper Lee, who is nothing but a writer of books published in 1960, which turned out to be one of Victoria's favorite novels.
After the name of the tiny trigger Harper fans David and Victoria to read classic books, the books on the theme of racism was a direct shot to the 38th position in ranking of best-selling book on On his Facebook page, which had been David and Victoria reveals how he finally decided to give the name "Harper" to their first daughter. According to the gridiron star, the top pair had decided to vote Harper because Harper Lee's name is Victoria's favorite author.
In the video, David says, "It's been a lot of ideas to name our daughter, and Harper is the name that had long we enjoy doing for several reasons. One is Harper is a very old English name we liked. The other reason, Victoria's favorite books is To Kill A Mockingbird and its author named Harper Lee. The book is truly inspiring. That is why we decided to call him 'Harper'. "
Anyway, there are additional more news about the Beckhams. According to gossip, teen idol Justin reportedly held a private concert for children Beckham. The Beckham Boys, so the media dubbed Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz Beckham, was a big fan of Justin. And it seems, the little Harper will also follow his brothers were.
Last Saturday, David Beckham appeared on the soccer field wearing a pink football boots bearing the name of her four children. And if you still need evidence about how great David perform its function as a husband and father, pictures on the side is the answer. David posted this photo on his Facebook page, with captions that read, "A little something I made Earlier ..... a home-made risotto for the family."
Although he was not yet two weeks, it seems the little Harper Seven Beckham has inherited his mother's supernatural powers. Associated with the fashion trend of Victoria, Harper has become a trendsetter!
According to the Daily Mail, the sale of the novel To Kill A Mockingbird at site rose dramatically after Victoria and David Beckham announced their daughter's name. Want to know what percentage increase? Achieve 123%! Fabulous!
How? Well, that explains how magic charm of this pair. Apparently the cause is just because the name of the princess, "Harper Seven Beckham" they took from the name of Harper Lee, who is nothing but a writer of books published in 1960, which turned out to be one of Victoria's favorite novels.
After the name of the tiny trigger Harper fans David and Victoria to read classic books, the books on the theme of racism was a direct shot to the 38th position in ranking of best-selling book on On his Facebook page, which had been David and Victoria reveals how he finally decided to give the name "Harper" to their first daughter. According to the gridiron star, the top pair had decided to vote Harper because Harper Lee's name is Victoria's favorite author.
In the video, David says, "It's been a lot of ideas to name our daughter, and Harper is the name that had long we enjoy doing for several reasons. One is Harper is a very old English name we liked. The other reason, Victoria's favorite books is To Kill A Mockingbird and its author named Harper Lee. The book is truly inspiring. That is why we decided to call him 'Harper'. "
Anyway, there are additional more news about the Beckhams. According to gossip, teen idol Justin reportedly held a private concert for children Beckham. The Beckham Boys, so the media dubbed Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz Beckham, was a big fan of Justin. And it seems, the little Harper will also follow his brothers were.
Last Saturday, David Beckham appeared on the soccer field wearing a pink football boots bearing the name of her four children. And if you still need evidence about how great David perform its function as a husband and father, pictures on the side is the answer. David posted this photo on his Facebook page, with captions that read, "A little something I made Earlier ..... a home-made risotto for the family."
victoria busy with the baby, beckham cooking in the kitchen
while Victoria Beckham tried to recover after giving birth to his fourth baby, Harper Seven, it looks like David Beckham had suddenly become 'the father of the household' which administers the other three children, also a few other chores, including cooking!
The couple was blessed with four children at a time first daughter on Sunday (10 / 7) then. Performed a cesarean delivery, so Victoria had to rest more to recover his health, as well as busy having a baby.
As a result, David was the one who take care of housework, including cooking meals for their little family. This is expressed through their personal Facebook account, where the footballer showing off his skills at the same time to cook dishes photos made.
"Something I made earlier, homemade risotto for my family," Beckham writes with his picture.
Earlier, Beckham took her three sons were also seen playing on the beach, including taking pictures his first son, Brooklyn, who were practicing surfing, while Victoria and Harper are at home and rest. Hmm, great husband and dad!
The couple was blessed with four children at a time first daughter on Sunday (10 / 7) then. Performed a cesarean delivery, so Victoria had to rest more to recover his health, as well as busy having a baby.
As a result, David was the one who take care of housework, including cooking meals for their little family. This is expressed through their personal Facebook account, where the footballer showing off his skills at the same time to cook dishes photos made.
"Something I made earlier, homemade risotto for my family," Beckham writes with his picture.
Earlier, Beckham took her three sons were also seen playing on the beach, including taking pictures his first son, Brooklyn, who were practicing surfing, while Victoria and Harper are at home and rest. Hmm, great husband and dad!
Rabu, 20 Juli 2011
behind the unique name of princess victoria beckham
Happiness is the life of the couple Victoria and David Beckham. British couples are just blessed with a daughter. They immediately give a name for her baby. Harper Seven is the name chosen and Victoria Beckham for her fourth child.
The name given to Victoria and David Beckham is considered unique. And it turns out, the famous couple had its own reasons, so they gave that name to his little daughter.
"Harper is an old name in England. And Victoria loved it," said a source close to Victoria and Beckham was quoted as saying USMagazine, Tuesday, July 12, 2011.
So, what about the origin of Seven behind the name Harper? According to sources, said Beckham Seven is the option to complete the name of his daughter. The number seven is the number one jersey soccer star.
And the number seven considered lucky number. Moreover, the birth of his daughter was identical to the number seven. Born in the seventh month, the seventh minute, and also at seven.
Princess Beckham is not the only baby named Harper in Hollywood. Previously, couples actress Tiffani Thiessen and her husband, Brady Smith gave a name to their daughter, Harper Renn.
Victoria Beckham's fourth child and was born on Sunday, July 10, 2011 at the Hospital Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The highly anticipated birth Beckham family. During this time, the couple is desperate for a daughter. Their dream has now materialized.
"I am very proud and excited to announce the birth of our daughter, Harper Seven Beckham," Beckham wrote in a Facebook account
The name given to Victoria and David Beckham is considered unique. And it turns out, the famous couple had its own reasons, so they gave that name to his little daughter.
"Harper is an old name in England. And Victoria loved it," said a source close to Victoria and Beckham was quoted as saying USMagazine, Tuesday, July 12, 2011.
So, what about the origin of Seven behind the name Harper? According to sources, said Beckham Seven is the option to complete the name of his daughter. The number seven is the number one jersey soccer star.
And the number seven considered lucky number. Moreover, the birth of his daughter was identical to the number seven. Born in the seventh month, the seventh minute, and also at seven.
Princess Beckham is not the only baby named Harper in Hollywood. Previously, couples actress Tiffani Thiessen and her husband, Brady Smith gave a name to their daughter, Harper Renn.
Victoria Beckham's fourth child and was born on Sunday, July 10, 2011 at the Hospital Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The highly anticipated birth Beckham family. During this time, the couple is desperate for a daughter. Their dream has now materialized.
"I am very proud and excited to announce the birth of our daughter, Harper Seven Beckham," Beckham wrote in a Facebook account
Victoria Beckham to deliver a girl
Protracted couple David and Victoria Beckham over. Once the presence of their three sons, Brookyln (12), Romeo (8), and Cruz (6) David and Victoria finally awarded a daughter who later was named Harper Seven Beckham.
Harper's birth becomes incalculable boon for them. In fact, before David and Victoria did not set a target to have a daughter.
In a television talk show a few moments before giving birth, Victoria told kepasrahannya about the baby's gender. "I am very happy, whatever the sex of my baby later on. Had a baby boy too, I think, we will have almost half of a football team, "he said.
Harper's presence is also like a glue integrity of the household of David and Victoria. Understandably, not long before news of Victoria was pregnant, David was exposed to the issue of infidelity. Although when it's scandalous affair with a woman David had smelled the media, Victoria actually said he believed David 100 percent and will not file for divorce.
The storm had passed, and January last, they announced the pregnancy status in Victoria through a Facebook account.
Unique Names
Ahead of Harper's birthday, speculation had circulated, Victoria will perform a caesarean section at London Hospital to coincide with U.S. Independence Day, July 4. However, reality says another because the new baby was born on Sunday (10 / 7), exactly six days after David-Victoria to celebrate their wedding anniversary is the 12th.
News Direct Harper announced the birth of David through his Facebook account. "I am so proud and excited to announce the birth of our daughter Harper Seven Beckham. She weighed a healthy 7lbs 10oz and arrived at 7:55 this morning, here in LA. Victoria is doing really well and her brothers are Delighted to have a baby sister. "(I am very proud and pleased to announce the birth of our daughter, Harper Seven Beckham. It weighs 3.45 kg and she was born at 7:55 this morning in Los Angeles. Victoria is fine and his brothers are very happy to get a younger sister).
After giving the announcement, tens of thousands of fans are poised to give congratulations. Not escape, two members of the group Spice Girl, Emma Bunton and Mel B also write their feelings of joy over the birth of the child Victoria in Twitter account.
Before the name of Seven Beckham Harper announced, stylist Sally Lyndley had time to write a name that initially may be used. "Congratulations on Beverly gorgeous baby," he wrote. However, ultimately the name of Seven Beckham Harper was the one who officially carried.
Harper's name itself is taken from the name of Victoria's favorite man in the age old English, while the number seven pointed out as a lucky number. In addition, the number seven is also associated numbers back David for playing at Manchester United and England national team.
To welcome the presence of their daughter, David and Victoria Beckham rented a house that consists of 11 luxury rooms in the area of Malibu, California for 60 thousand dollars, or about USD 570 million per month. The house will be occupied until November of this year or until the time of David in the team's contract LA Galaxy ends. Afterward, David was allegedly ready to bring the whole family returned to England and a career there.
Harper's birth becomes incalculable boon for them. In fact, before David and Victoria did not set a target to have a daughter.
In a television talk show a few moments before giving birth, Victoria told kepasrahannya about the baby's gender. "I am very happy, whatever the sex of my baby later on. Had a baby boy too, I think, we will have almost half of a football team, "he said.
Harper's presence is also like a glue integrity of the household of David and Victoria. Understandably, not long before news of Victoria was pregnant, David was exposed to the issue of infidelity. Although when it's scandalous affair with a woman David had smelled the media, Victoria actually said he believed David 100 percent and will not file for divorce.
The storm had passed, and January last, they announced the pregnancy status in Victoria through a Facebook account.
Unique Names
Ahead of Harper's birthday, speculation had circulated, Victoria will perform a caesarean section at London Hospital to coincide with U.S. Independence Day, July 4. However, reality says another because the new baby was born on Sunday (10 / 7), exactly six days after David-Victoria to celebrate their wedding anniversary is the 12th.
News Direct Harper announced the birth of David through his Facebook account. "I am so proud and excited to announce the birth of our daughter Harper Seven Beckham. She weighed a healthy 7lbs 10oz and arrived at 7:55 this morning, here in LA. Victoria is doing really well and her brothers are Delighted to have a baby sister. "(I am very proud and pleased to announce the birth of our daughter, Harper Seven Beckham. It weighs 3.45 kg and she was born at 7:55 this morning in Los Angeles. Victoria is fine and his brothers are very happy to get a younger sister).
After giving the announcement, tens of thousands of fans are poised to give congratulations. Not escape, two members of the group Spice Girl, Emma Bunton and Mel B also write their feelings of joy over the birth of the child Victoria in Twitter account.
Before the name of Seven Beckham Harper announced, stylist Sally Lyndley had time to write a name that initially may be used. "Congratulations on Beverly gorgeous baby," he wrote. However, ultimately the name of Seven Beckham Harper was the one who officially carried.
Harper's name itself is taken from the name of Victoria's favorite man in the age old English, while the number seven pointed out as a lucky number. In addition, the number seven is also associated numbers back David for playing at Manchester United and England national team.
To welcome the presence of their daughter, David and Victoria Beckham rented a house that consists of 11 luxury rooms in the area of Malibu, California for 60 thousand dollars, or about USD 570 million per month. The house will be occupied until November of this year or until the time of David in the team's contract LA Galaxy ends. Afterward, David was allegedly ready to bring the whole family returned to England and a career there.
Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011
Beckham show off pictures pregnant victoria
David Beckham was dogged happy beyond measure. Seconds before the birth of her fourth child, proudly showing off photographs of her pregnant wife, Victoria.
As reported by the Daily Mail, 36-year-old footballer was to post some pictures of his wife who was pregnant on her official Facebook page.
"I took this photo when Victoria was not looking. She (Victoria) was amazing. The baby is now very close to being born, "wrote Becks.
Inside the black-and-white photos, Victoria looks elegant wearing sunglasses and wrapped in black cloth.
Previously, Victoria, in an interview with Women's Wear Daily, asserted that he did not want to show off photos of hamilnya, like a number of Hollywood's top artists such as Demi Moore, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera.
"I do not like those who like to go out and show off photos of their pregnancy," he said.
"They seem to think there's nothing odd about it. I am very proud of my pregnancy and feel very blessed. I am very happy, really. "
As reported by the Daily Mail, 36-year-old footballer was to post some pictures of his wife who was pregnant on her official Facebook page.
"I took this photo when Victoria was not looking. She (Victoria) was amazing. The baby is now very close to being born, "wrote Becks.
Inside the black-and-white photos, Victoria looks elegant wearing sunglasses and wrapped in black cloth.
Previously, Victoria, in an interview with Women's Wear Daily, asserted that he did not want to show off photos of hamilnya, like a number of Hollywood's top artists such as Demi Moore, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera.
"I do not like those who like to go out and show off photos of their pregnancy," he said.
"They seem to think there's nothing odd about it. I am very proud of my pregnancy and feel very blessed. I am very happy, really. "
victoria beckham
United States
Jumat, 01 Juli 2011
justin makes lovelorn selena
Selena Gomez and Justin no longer hide their romance. Selena looked so in love. He always said the word love for Justin.
Young couples can be seen shopping at Armani Exchange, Fifth Avenue, Los Angeles on Thursday (30/06/2011). Both seem intimate and Selena say 'I Love You' on Justin.
"He said it many times," said a source quoted by Showbiz Spy, Friday (7/1/2011).
Both are seen almost every moment together. They make use of free time to accompany the activities of one another.
Some time ago Justin release a perfume potion called Someday. Selena also get the perfume from her boyfriend. Initially Selena wear fragrances to please Justin, but not anymore.
"Selena can one bottle but he stop wearing it when he knew the mother of Justin also wear them. Selena did not want to smell like the mother of Justin and he feels it is more fragrant to his fans," said the source.
Young couples can be seen shopping at Armani Exchange, Fifth Avenue, Los Angeles on Thursday (30/06/2011). Both seem intimate and Selena say 'I Love You' on Justin.
"He said it many times," said a source quoted by Showbiz Spy, Friday (7/1/2011).
Both are seen almost every moment together. They make use of free time to accompany the activities of one another.
Some time ago Justin release a perfume potion called Someday. Selena also get the perfume from her boyfriend. Initially Selena wear fragrances to please Justin, but not anymore.
"Selena can one bottle but he stop wearing it when he knew the mother of Justin also wear them. Selena did not want to smell like the mother of Justin and he feels it is more fragrant to his fans," said the source.
justin bieber
United States
Victoria bechkham reject poses nude
'Victoria bechkham' reject poses nude
Some women OnFire Hollywood has expressed their feeling of happiness and pride when pregnant by posing naked in magazines. Victoria Beckham is also getting the same offer. However, Victoria refused.
Wife of footballer David Beckham has revealed he was keen to show off her pregnancy by posing naked. "I'm not one who likes to go outside and then posed nude while pregnant," Victoria said as quoted from Digital Spy, Friday, July 1, 2011.
Vicoria admitted he is blessed with the fourth pregnancy. He is also proud of her because of her pregnancy was enlarged. However, he felt his happiness that does not mean he must show by posing naked and showing belly to the public.
"I will not take off my clothes. I think, not everyone should see it unless my husband," said Victoria again.
Victoria's pregnancy has now entered the age of 9 months. If there is no obstacle, according to estimates fourth child will be born in early July. Victoria and David Beckham had time to pick a date for the birth of her baby that is expected of candidates are women's. They wanted his son was born on July 4.
Victoria added that he had been preparing for all purposes to welcome baby perempannya it. He had bought all the baby girl clothes, prepares special rooms and special rooms for nursing at the residence of the couple.
"I like the French-made clothes for my daughter," he said pleased.
Some women OnFire Hollywood has expressed their feeling of happiness and pride when pregnant by posing naked in magazines. Victoria Beckham is also getting the same offer. However, Victoria refused.
Wife of footballer David Beckham has revealed he was keen to show off her pregnancy by posing naked. "I'm not one who likes to go outside and then posed nude while pregnant," Victoria said as quoted from Digital Spy, Friday, July 1, 2011.
Vicoria admitted he is blessed with the fourth pregnancy. He is also proud of her because of her pregnancy was enlarged. However, he felt his happiness that does not mean he must show by posing naked and showing belly to the public.
"I will not take off my clothes. I think, not everyone should see it unless my husband," said Victoria again.
Victoria's pregnancy has now entered the age of 9 months. If there is no obstacle, according to estimates fourth child will be born in early July. Victoria and David Beckham had time to pick a date for the birth of her baby that is expected of candidates are women's. They wanted his son was born on July 4.
Victoria added that he had been preparing for all purposes to welcome baby perempannya it. He had bought all the baby girl clothes, prepares special rooms and special rooms for nursing at the residence of the couple.
"I like the French-made clothes for my daughter," he said pleased.
victoria beckham
United States
Senin, 27 Juni 2011
coffee shop with a topless waitress
A coffee shop was forced to close after suffering a wave of opposition from local residents in a small town in England. A wave of opposition comes not because the products offered coffee Grand View Topless Coffee Shop in Vassalboro, Maine, but because the coffee shop waitress, both men and women, bare-chested when serving customers.
Although opposed by residents around the city whose population is less than 5,000 inhabitants, the coffee shop which was established in 2009 was running his business before eventually ordered to close later this year by local government officials for being illegally put up bulletin boards
Donald Crabtree, owner of Grand View Topless Coffee Shop, admits, "I just want to create happiness with my business. I would like to see people smile. I opened the coffee shop with a topless waitress service to bring joy and proved successful.
However, now that ecstasy has passed. I have been struggling to maintain this business for over 2 years and no matter what I do today will not bear anything, someone's trying to sabotage me, "commands the closure of the local government because they put up a bulletin board without bagging official permission. So, what exactly is the content written on the notice board? Ie "boobies Wanted" (Wanted Breasts)
Although opposed by residents around the city whose population is less than 5,000 inhabitants, the coffee shop which was established in 2009 was running his business before eventually ordered to close later this year by local government officials for being illegally put up bulletin boards
Donald Crabtree, owner of Grand View Topless Coffee Shop, admits, "I just want to create happiness with my business. I would like to see people smile. I opened the coffee shop with a topless waitress service to bring joy and proved successful.
However, now that ecstasy has passed. I have been struggling to maintain this business for over 2 years and no matter what I do today will not bear anything, someone's trying to sabotage me, "commands the closure of the local government because they put up a bulletin board without bagging official permission. So, what exactly is the content written on the notice board? Ie "boobies Wanted" (Wanted Breasts)
Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
writing a novel with the lips
Determination of this one young girl exemplary. His body was born without hands, not a hindrance to realizing his ideals published novel.
Wang Qianjin, capable of making a novel while typing using his lips.
Now this 18-year-old girl, is preparing to welcome the day when his first novel ready for publication, reports the Orange, on Wednesday (15/06/2011).
Qianjin never studied formally in school. But he was able to understand a variety of languages, ranging from their mother tongue, ie Chinese, also understand the Japanese and Korean.
Ability multilangualnya he got from his love of watching dramas on television. He studied the pronunciation along with the structure of language characters.
Intelligence to learn the various languages he got from his ability to remember things even though with one glance.
Initially, Qianjin is an author of an online blog on the internet. He uses a pseudonym on his blog. But many are interested in serialized made by him.
"Many readers asked me to write more stories sooner, I try it. I started writing from 09:00 until 1:00 o'clock in the morning the next day. I spend a lot of my time at the computer, "said Qiajin.
Now the story in his blog will be published into a novel. Who tells the fictional story about a girl from a wealthy family who falls in love with a gangster.
His father, Wang Yunqi, never knew about her daughter's talents until Qianjin eventually will now launch a novel.
"He just stayed at home in their daily life, never been to school. It was great to know he can write and even wrote a novel, "said Wang Yunqi.
Wang Qianjin, capable of making a novel while typing using his lips.
Now this 18-year-old girl, is preparing to welcome the day when his first novel ready for publication, reports the Orange, on Wednesday (15/06/2011).
Qianjin never studied formally in school. But he was able to understand a variety of languages, ranging from their mother tongue, ie Chinese, also understand the Japanese and Korean.
Ability multilangualnya he got from his love of watching dramas on television. He studied the pronunciation along with the structure of language characters.
Intelligence to learn the various languages he got from his ability to remember things even though with one glance.
Initially, Qianjin is an author of an online blog on the internet. He uses a pseudonym on his blog. But many are interested in serialized made by him.
"Many readers asked me to write more stories sooner, I try it. I started writing from 09:00 until 1:00 o'clock in the morning the next day. I spend a lot of my time at the computer, "said Qiajin.
Now the story in his blog will be published into a novel. Who tells the fictional story about a girl from a wealthy family who falls in love with a gangster.
His father, Wang Yunqi, never knew about her daughter's talents until Qianjin eventually will now launch a novel.
"He just stayed at home in their daily life, never been to school. It was great to know he can write and even wrote a novel, "said Wang Yunqi.
Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011
The first dog-legged robot
Naki'o dog named dog who is both a first in the world with 4 leg robot. These dogs have the unfortunate fate of his leg about it. Curious how the rest of the story?
Naki'o. That little dog's name on this one, unfortunately the fate of this dog because he was discarded by their owners so that his feet frozen and can not be used again. This dog was only five weeks.
Previous Naki'o have not had time to adjust to his new legs seen from the passage of an unbalanced way. However, a veterinarian be
rescue for the dog he taught how your ways to adjust to his new leg, he also once made this dog can berjalanan he is Doctor Christie Tomlinson.
Seen from the video above that these dogs can adjust to his new legs. Although he was only stepping five weeks. The vet was doing fundraising for that Naki'o feet. After going through the procedure, lucky Orthoporet would handle the case of Naki'o to provide artificial limbs free of charge. And until now Naki'o the Dog World's First Robot securing four legs can do other activities like a dog.
Naki'o. That little dog's name on this one, unfortunately the fate of this dog because he was discarded by their owners so that his feet frozen and can not be used again. This dog was only five weeks.
Previous Naki'o have not had time to adjust to his new legs seen from the passage of an unbalanced way. However, a veterinarian be
rescue for the dog he taught how your ways to adjust to his new leg, he also once made this dog can berjalanan he is Doctor Christie Tomlinson.
Seen from the video above that these dogs can adjust to his new legs. Although he was only stepping five weeks. The vet was doing fundraising for that Naki'o feet. After going through the procedure, lucky Orthoporet would handle the case of Naki'o to provide artificial limbs free of charge. And until now Naki'o the Dog World's First Robot securing four legs can do other activities like a dog.
Unique animal,
unique news
United States
Jumat, 24 Juni 2011
breast weighs 25 kg
Not fit anymore Sleep imagine if all of a sudden fall of his chest ... can certainly semamput abis.Ngeri Gan, fitted shape clay.
as reported by Deni Anggoleta to Gistink.Info
A woman from Minnesota, United States, have breasts that reportedly become the largest in the world. Weighing 25 kilograms and the size reached 164 XXX, her breasts made her sudden fame.
Chelsea Charms, a model and stripper who has a super jumbo-sized breasts. Charms that are born with an unusual breast sizes. He claimed most important asset that has brought much attention and she loved him. Charms even named her breasts as "Itsy Bitsy and".
Charms Breast not necessarily great by itself. Implant process known as polypropylene helped to get the breast size they want.
"I never planned to be this big. I raised my breasts because I wanted to be a feature dancer. Dancer features in the eyes of a layman is a professional exotic dancer and breast size is one of the qualifications. Before I'm a size D and ashamed to admit it during school. After passed I learned to appreciate my figure, "I Charms.
Although happy to get a lot of attention, Charms admitted sad because of difficulties doing certain things. "I had trouble to use the aircraft toilet. Eating is also a problem because I have to sit so far away from my food," he added.
as reported by Deni Anggoleta to Gistink.Info
A woman from Minnesota, United States, have breasts that reportedly become the largest in the world. Weighing 25 kilograms and the size reached 164 XXX, her breasts made her sudden fame.
Chelsea Charms, a model and stripper who has a super jumbo-sized breasts. Charms that are born with an unusual breast sizes. He claimed most important asset that has brought much attention and she loved him. Charms even named her breasts as "Itsy Bitsy and".
Charms Breast not necessarily great by itself. Implant process known as polypropylene helped to get the breast size they want.
"I never planned to be this big. I raised my breasts because I wanted to be a feature dancer. Dancer features in the eyes of a layman is a professional exotic dancer and breast size is one of the qualifications. Before I'm a size D and ashamed to admit it during school. After passed I learned to appreciate my figure, "I Charms.
Although happy to get a lot of attention, Charms admitted sad because of difficulties doing certain things. "I had trouble to use the aircraft toilet. Eating is also a problem because I have to sit so far away from my food," he added.
elephant dung to excite sex?
DIRT Elephant becomes a target by a number of fine dining monglomerat in Malaysia. It is said that elephant dung that comes out of her anus after eating durian, can arouse sexual desire for sipenyantapnya.
If the natives of Sumatra to find coffee beans that have not digested in the dirt Civet, society Adam's apple in the forests of Malaysia will follow the elephant that had swallowed a lot of durian.
They take risks to follow this mammal for at least four hours - the duration it takes the animal to digest the durian - before the fruit is not digested out with elephant dung.
Advisory Malaysian Nature Society Johor branch, Vincent Chow, hear durian this unique existence of a tycoon friend and the native forest timber 'Orang Asli'. According to him, was always wood conglomerate filed an order on the Orang Asli during durian season.
Because the stock is scarce, the tycoon would reach into his pocket for RM1.000, for the sake of gratifying her eating it.
"Of course, the Orang Asli want to follow in the footsteps of elephants because they know they will be paid handsomely," said Chor, as the site loaded the New Straits Times.
Do not imagine buffalo or goat dung that smells for mercy.
Because according to locals, the smell of elephant dung like tea, do not sting like other herbivores. Durian is not yet digested it claimed did not contain dirt and bacteria.
In fact, the tycoon claimed durian would be such an aphrodisiac, sexual arousal, aka food plant - after passing through the digestive process of an elephant. Although there is no scientific evidence supporting the claim, demand 'Durian elephant dung' higher and the price continues to rise
If the natives of Sumatra to find coffee beans that have not digested in the dirt Civet, society Adam's apple in the forests of Malaysia will follow the elephant that had swallowed a lot of durian.
They take risks to follow this mammal for at least four hours - the duration it takes the animal to digest the durian - before the fruit is not digested out with elephant dung.
Advisory Malaysian Nature Society Johor branch, Vincent Chow, hear durian this unique existence of a tycoon friend and the native forest timber 'Orang Asli'. According to him, was always wood conglomerate filed an order on the Orang Asli during durian season.
Because the stock is scarce, the tycoon would reach into his pocket for RM1.000, for the sake of gratifying her eating it.
"Of course, the Orang Asli want to follow in the footsteps of elephants because they know they will be paid handsomely," said Chor, as the site loaded the New Straits Times.
Do not imagine buffalo or goat dung that smells for mercy.
Because according to locals, the smell of elephant dung like tea, do not sting like other herbivores. Durian is not yet digested it claimed did not contain dirt and bacteria.
In fact, the tycoon claimed durian would be such an aphrodisiac, sexual arousal, aka food plant - after passing through the digestive process of an elephant. Although there is no scientific evidence supporting the claim, demand 'Durian elephant dung' higher and the price continues to rise
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
justin and Selena nude photo on the beach
a photo of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez that surprised us. This artist couple kissing without clothes (naked). hopefully it is not damaged their careers with this nude photo
all about justin bieber
mengganti kursor dengan gambar blogspot
Bila kamu tidak suka dengan tampilan cursor yang biasa, kamu bisa ganti tampilan cursornya dengan sebuah gambar sesui yang kamu inginkan,misalnya gambar sehelai bulu. Silahkan yang mau ganti cursor dengan bulu bisa ikuti tips berikut ini :
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Demikianlah cara mengganti cursor dengan sehelai bulu
Peringatan :
Teks/url yang berwarna merah jangan digunakan, hanya sebuah contoh saja. ganti dengan url gambar anda
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
strange-scented perfume, perhaps even repulsive to your
The Nielsen Company survey end in May 2011 recorded sales of beauty care products every year continue to soar significantly. Perfume goods recorded as one of the most widely hunted beauty both men and women. Present-day humans can not appear as clean and should be on every occasion.
Speaking about the perfume fragrance is a lot to offer in this world. Call it the most expensive perfume, Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for U.S. $ 215 thousand.
But you know, there are varieties of perfume that has a unique aroma and even made of materials that disgusting. Here's the list:
1. Perfume from Human Urine
This strange perfume by Cherry Tree. He was inspired by the natural conditions are broken. "The smell was sweet after you eat a lot of honey but so awful after eating chicken", "Tree said in Fasionista, June 2, 2011. Parfum is produced since 2006.
2. Perfumes from Dirt Man
A British artist, Nicholas Jammie really make it. "Surplus," said Jammie perfume brand called it in Fashionista some time ago. Surplus priced at U.S. $ 80. If perfume Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty made only 5 pieces, surplus produced only 80 fruits.
3. Perfumes Blood and Sperm
Perfume was released quirky and controversial singer Lady GaGa. Perfume branded 'Monster' is claimed to have been produced since October 2010. Magnifique secretions from Etat Libre d'Orange has also been issued a collection of these extreme special scented perfume in New York City.
4. Vaginal Aroma Perfume
Vulva Original is a perfume product that has a specific aroma. The aroma deliberately intended to stimulate the user and not attract anyone's attention. Vulva Original is designed for users to feel more sensual, simply dripped on the skin to breathe after a while.
5. Cannabis-scented perfume
Created Cannabis Santal Eau de Parfum which has a strong wood aroma character. Materials are mixed in a perfume is one of them marijuana marijuana mixed with tree roots, chocolate, vetiver, and vanilla.
Besides perfume specified above. Some other perfumes are made from lobster, burgers until the smell of wall paint.
Speaking about the perfume fragrance is a lot to offer in this world. Call it the most expensive perfume, Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for U.S. $ 215 thousand.
But you know, there are varieties of perfume that has a unique aroma and even made of materials that disgusting. Here's the list:
1. Perfume from Human Urine
This strange perfume by Cherry Tree. He was inspired by the natural conditions are broken. "The smell was sweet after you eat a lot of honey but so awful after eating chicken", "Tree said in Fasionista, June 2, 2011. Parfum is produced since 2006.
2. Perfumes from Dirt Man
A British artist, Nicholas Jammie really make it. "Surplus," said Jammie perfume brand called it in Fashionista some time ago. Surplus priced at U.S. $ 80. If perfume Clive Christian's Imperial Majesty made only 5 pieces, surplus produced only 80 fruits.
3. Perfumes Blood and Sperm
Perfume was released quirky and controversial singer Lady GaGa. Perfume branded 'Monster' is claimed to have been produced since October 2010. Magnifique secretions from Etat Libre d'Orange has also been issued a collection of these extreme special scented perfume in New York City.
4. Vaginal Aroma Perfume
Vulva Original is a perfume product that has a specific aroma. The aroma deliberately intended to stimulate the user and not attract anyone's attention. Vulva Original is designed for users to feel more sensual, simply dripped on the skin to breathe after a while.
5. Cannabis-scented perfume
Created Cannabis Santal Eau de Parfum which has a strong wood aroma character. Materials are mixed in a perfume is one of them marijuana marijuana mixed with tree roots, chocolate, vetiver, and vanilla.
Besides perfume specified above. Some other perfumes are made from lobster, burgers until the smell of wall paint.
teks melayang mengikuti kursor mouse
Untuk kesempatan kali ini saya mau berbagi sama teman-teman mengenai cara membuat teks melayang yang mengikuti kursor. Hal ini saya dapat ketika lagi jalan-jalan ke blog teman-teman sambil nambah ilmu. Dan ini merupakan permintaan dari salah satu teman blog saya, jadi saya harus menghargai dan berbagi ke yang lain untuk ilmu yang sudah didapat.
Dibawah ini adalah tahap untuk membuatnya:
Untuk yang pertama kita bisa
Untuk teks yang berwarna biru (selamat datang) bisa diganti sesuai yang diinginkan teman-teman dan kode (#0000FF) adalah warna pada teks juga bisa diganti menjadi warna yang berbeda sesuai yang diinginkan juga.
Dibawah ini adalah tahap untuk membuatnya:
Untuk yang pertama kita bisa
- masuk ke account blog
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- Kemudian tambah (html/javascript)
- Dan teman-teman bisa copy kode dibawah ini:
//Circling text trail- Tim Tilton
//Visit for this script and more
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// Alter no variables past here!, unless you are good
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// not rotation speed, leave at zero
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Untuk teks yang berwarna biru (selamat datang) bisa diganti sesuai yang diinginkan teman-teman dan kode (#0000FF) adalah warna pada teks juga bisa diganti menjadi warna yang berbeda sesuai yang diinginkan juga.
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
secret to being loved women
Tips for the girls liked, how can I make a lot of girls liked some guys think they should be handsome, what the guy had, where she traveled and even people who are known by the boy. I suppose it had to determine these factors, but not forever. Anyway if not accompanied by the boy how do I 'bring' things that he has it all, definitely going in vain. You can also read Tips What to Avoid The man so that no one in the present themselves when dealing with people we like.
So, give any kind of hell and tips on how to be liked by the girls. Here are some things to consider as a guy if you're starting to meet:
1. Polite
Anyone would agree and so attention is really on this one even in the first row of the type of guy that liked by girls. Little things like opening the door and so become points for the guy. Just how deh best in terms of politeness ditunjukin the boy to girl is the first value.
Eits, but wait a minute. Should be remembered also is lho kalo courtesy ditunjukin guns to target only girl that you like. It would be great if you give the same treatment with his family, his own family and people around you.
2. Keep Clean!
Girls exact appearance tetep Seeing the guy, only difference is the definition of disebutin appearance at the second point is not about the physique of the guy wrote. Guns only appearance looks the guy who visits, but clean as well. Well, that's him whose name to look attractive and impressive!
Kebayangkan guns fit if you talked to the girl, instead do'i ilfil to you because your breath smells really!
3. Able to Communicate Well
Here are some things you should remember if a conversation with one girl / woman:
* Sense of humor.
* In addition you have a good sense of humor, of course boys should also be able to talk serious.
* Can create a conversation so interesting
* Ability to chat with the fair without artificial.
* Occasionally asked. Hehe. Let the conversation continue snack.
* The last ya, girl usually most happy if the guys can remember the story of the girl.
4. Avoid Tempting The Girl.
If you are speaking the same girl aka girl 'Playgirl' which may nafsuan lah. But if girls and women are 'smart', of course he's going really fed up with the guy who liked to tease and use body language or stories that stimulate.
Make the girls too, try deh we think, if the guy really happy to use tricks 'stimulate' for favored girl or the girl would be touched - ya boy often nerapin also likely to target the previous girl.
5. Focus On The Girl / Woman
Favored by many women may dream of every guy. But, if you nerapin those things in life you love, you'll sure deh guns to none. So, focus on one girl wrote.
So, give any kind of hell and tips on how to be liked by the girls. Here are some things to consider as a guy if you're starting to meet:
1. Polite
Anyone would agree and so attention is really on this one even in the first row of the type of guy that liked by girls. Little things like opening the door and so become points for the guy. Just how deh best in terms of politeness ditunjukin the boy to girl is the first value.
Eits, but wait a minute. Should be remembered also is lho kalo courtesy ditunjukin guns to target only girl that you like. It would be great if you give the same treatment with his family, his own family and people around you.
2. Keep Clean!
Girls exact appearance tetep Seeing the guy, only difference is the definition of disebutin appearance at the second point is not about the physique of the guy wrote. Guns only appearance looks the guy who visits, but clean as well. Well, that's him whose name to look attractive and impressive!
Kebayangkan guns fit if you talked to the girl, instead do'i ilfil to you because your breath smells really!
3. Able to Communicate Well
Here are some things you should remember if a conversation with one girl / woman:
* Sense of humor.
* In addition you have a good sense of humor, of course boys should also be able to talk serious.
* Can create a conversation so interesting
* Ability to chat with the fair without artificial.
* Occasionally asked. Hehe. Let the conversation continue snack.
* The last ya, girl usually most happy if the guys can remember the story of the girl.
4. Avoid Tempting The Girl.
If you are speaking the same girl aka girl 'Playgirl' which may nafsuan lah. But if girls and women are 'smart', of course he's going really fed up with the guy who liked to tease and use body language or stories that stimulate.
Make the girls too, try deh we think, if the guy really happy to use tricks 'stimulate' for favored girl or the girl would be touched - ya boy often nerapin also likely to target the previous girl.
5. Focus On The Girl / Woman
Favored by many women may dream of every guy. But, if you nerapin those things in life you love, you'll sure deh guns to none. So, focus on one girl wrote.
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011
Prophet Noah's ship was made again, at a cost of 16 million dollars
A creator of Dutch origin, Johan Huibers, spent three years and $ 1.6 million U.S. dollars. The money comes from koceknya own.
He built a replica of Noah's ark with a quote from the Gospel story. Huibers this dream already owned about 20 years ago and assumed if great flood drowned the country was nicknamed Windmills.
Based on the legend in the Gospel, the ark was made to protect the family of the Prophet Noah, and two of every animal species on earth when the flood struck for 40 days and 40 nights.
Huibers built the replica Ark reputedly similar in size to the original Ark of Noah. Length is about 450 feet and a width of about 75 feet.
This is the second ship owned by Huibers. In 2007, he completed half of the ark on a scale larger version. There are some concessions which are adjusted in these modern times. In the story, Noah's ark made of gopher wood tree while Huiber using Swedish pine trees.
Huiber say it is okay because according to the Gospel, God asked Noah to make an ark of wood resin. Huibers's Ark is also on his side were given iron.
He built a replica of Noah's ark with a quote from the Gospel story. Huibers this dream already owned about 20 years ago and assumed if great flood drowned the country was nicknamed Windmills.
Based on the legend in the Gospel, the ark was made to protect the family of the Prophet Noah, and two of every animal species on earth when the flood struck for 40 days and 40 nights.

This is the second ship owned by Huibers. In 2007, he completed half of the ark on a scale larger version. There are some concessions which are adjusted in these modern times. In the story, Noah's ark made of gopher wood tree while Huiber using Swedish pine trees.
Huiber say it is okay because according to the Gospel, God asked Noah to make an ark of wood resin. Huibers's Ark is also on his side were given iron.
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011
man without fingerprints
A cancer patient from Singapore were detained for four hours by U.S. immigration officials when they were unable to detect fingerprints, which appears to be missing due to the drug is consumed.
The incident, which was broadcast by the "Annals of Oncology", reported by the physician patient, Tan Eng Huat, who advised all patients taking the drug to carry a doctor's certificate when traveling to the United States.
Drug, "capecitabine", commonly used to treat cancer in the head and neck, breast, stomach and colorectum.
One impact is a chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of the feet and skin can be peeled off, bleeding and ulcers may arise or blistered skin, or what is known as hand-foot syndrome.
"This can increase the loss of fingerprints over time," Tan, a senior consultant in the department of medical oncology at the National Cancer Centre Singapore, explained.
The patient, 62-year-old man, suffered head and neck cancer that has spread but reacted well to chemotherapy. In order to prevent cancer recurrence, he underwent treatment using the "capecitabine".
"In December 2008, after more than three years of capecitabine treatment, he went to the United States to visit relatives," wrote Tan.
"He was detained at the airport customs for four hours because the immigration officer could not detect fingerprints. He was allowed entry after customs officials believe that he is not a threat to security. "
Tan said the loss of a fingerprint is not depicted on the packaging the drug, despite the chronic inflammation in the palms and soles of the feet rooted.
"... The top layer is the layer that contains the fingerprints, (loss of upper layer), it is something which makes the loss of fingerprints," said Tan.
"In theory, if you stop taking the drug, it will grow again but only a few details. No one knows how often these events occurred among patients taking the drug and no one knew how long a person must consume this drug before he loses his fingerprints, "said Tan
The incident, which was broadcast by the "Annals of Oncology", reported by the physician patient, Tan Eng Huat, who advised all patients taking the drug to carry a doctor's certificate when traveling to the United States.
Drug, "capecitabine", commonly used to treat cancer in the head and neck, breast, stomach and colorectum.
One impact is a chronic inflammation of the palms or soles of the feet and skin can be peeled off, bleeding and ulcers may arise or blistered skin, or what is known as hand-foot syndrome.
"This can increase the loss of fingerprints over time," Tan, a senior consultant in the department of medical oncology at the National Cancer Centre Singapore, explained.
The patient, 62-year-old man, suffered head and neck cancer that has spread but reacted well to chemotherapy. In order to prevent cancer recurrence, he underwent treatment using the "capecitabine".
"In December 2008, after more than three years of capecitabine treatment, he went to the United States to visit relatives," wrote Tan.
"He was detained at the airport customs for four hours because the immigration officer could not detect fingerprints. He was allowed entry after customs officials believe that he is not a threat to security. "
Tan said the loss of a fingerprint is not depicted on the packaging the drug, despite the chronic inflammation in the palms and soles of the feet rooted.
"... The top layer is the layer that contains the fingerprints, (loss of upper layer), it is something which makes the loss of fingerprints," said Tan.
"In theory, if you stop taking the drug, it will grow again but only a few details. No one knows how often these events occurred among patients taking the drug and no one knew how long a person must consume this drug before he loses his fingerprints, "said Tan
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
excess small-breasted woman
The following are the advantages of small breasted women
1. More easily aroused
Results of study the University of Vienna found that large-breasted women are sometimes less sensitive to stimuli than smaller. "Breasts have more fat tissue than glandular, when the gland is the most sensitive part," said researcher University of Vienna.
Sexologist Rachael Ross, said, "On the breast smaller, easier to glands stimulated during foreplay because it lies below the layer of fat."
2. Easy detection
Have small breasts are healthy in other ways. "In breast self-examination, the owner of a small breast will be easier to detect a lump in the back of the breast because there are few layers," says oncologist Marisa Weiss, president and founder of
Small breasts can also save your life because it does not work membenakan neck. Big tits will certainly give weight to the pressure of the body especially the neck "This could change the posture of a woman, especially on the neck and can mneyebabkan headache," said Dr. Weiss.
3. Making look younger
Indeed, he seemed more natural to feel attracted to large breasts, but with small breasts, a man can think that we are younger. Satoshi Kanazawa, PhD, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics said, "larger breasts will sag biasnaya from time to time. It also could be an indicator that a woman is not young anymore. "" Madame, it is more difficult to determine the age of women when she has smaller breasts. "
1. More easily aroused
Results of study the University of Vienna found that large-breasted women are sometimes less sensitive to stimuli than smaller. "Breasts have more fat tissue than glandular, when the gland is the most sensitive part," said researcher University of Vienna.
Sexologist Rachael Ross, said, "On the breast smaller, easier to glands stimulated during foreplay because it lies below the layer of fat."
2. Easy detection
Have small breasts are healthy in other ways. "In breast self-examination, the owner of a small breast will be easier to detect a lump in the back of the breast because there are few layers," says oncologist Marisa Weiss, president and founder of
Small breasts can also save your life because it does not work membenakan neck. Big tits will certainly give weight to the pressure of the body especially the neck "This could change the posture of a woman, especially on the neck and can mneyebabkan headache," said Dr. Weiss.
3. Making look younger
Indeed, he seemed more natural to feel attracted to large breasts, but with small breasts, a man can think that we are younger. Satoshi Kanazawa, PhD, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics said, "larger breasts will sag biasnaya from time to time. It also could be an indicator that a woman is not young anymore. "" Madame, it is more difficult to determine the age of women when she has smaller breasts. "
biography Justin Bieber
sex : Male
religion : Christian
birth : March 1, 1994
Biography: Justin Drew Bieber is a young pop singer from Canada.
Born in Strartford, Ontario March 1, 1994 and was raised alone by his mother, Pattie Malette, Justin has the talent and interest in music that is high enough. He mastered the trumpet, piano, guitar, and drums that he learned his own since childhood. At age 12, Justin singing contest in his hometown, Stratford, and won a second championship. Since then he began to document the appearance and upload it on Youtube, for friends who never had time to see him perform. In some videos, Justin sings the songs some famous singers like Usher, Justin Timberlake, Neyo, Chris Brown, and Stevie Wonder with its own version.
Luckily, Scooter Braun, So So Def marketing executive who accidentally witnessed the appearance on Youtube interested in musical talent. Braun immediately contacted Bieber and flew to Atlanta, Georgia to meet Usher.
Soon, Usher agree mengorbitkannya through record label Island Records in October 2008. To solidify his musical career Bieber and his mother moved to Atlanta.
Bieber's first album which was released in July 2009, MY WORLD, received quite festive. His first hit single, ONE TIME, featuring Usher as guest vocals ranked 20 major Canadian and American charts.
Single-single that was released subsequently received no less festive. ONE LESS LONELY GIRL, LOVE ME, and FAVORITE GIRL, was ranked top 40 Hot Bilboard. MY WORLD also received Platinum and Golden in the United States and Canada.
To promote his album, Bieber conducted a series of important performances. By Christmas 2009, Bieber appeared at the White House before President Barrack Obama and his wife. Bieber also appeared on MTV and some other live events such as Saturday Night Live and Kids Choice Awards.
Besides singing, Bieber also been a presenter for the Grammy Awards 52. His achievements in the music world makes it the youngest solo pop singer who can rule the world charts.
Popularity of Justin and the young age made him a star was asked to be anti-acne product advertising. This product itself is a fairly well-known product in the United States, namely Proactiv. Some well-known stars such as Kate Perry and Jessica Simpson have become advertising stars before Justin.
At MTV VMA 2010, Justin get the nomination "The Best New Artist against Kesha. In addition, she also will fill this grand event with a collaboration with Bob Justin is also rumored to be a duet with Kanye West because they are doing in collaboration West song titled "Runaway Love.
At the prestigious MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS 2010 which was held on September 12, 2010, Justin won the award for Best New Artist with his song with Ludacris called Baby.
Unfortunately, the much awaited event, which had audience with the emergence of Justin as their idol star, the boy appeared to disappoint many fans because the lipsync. This of course makes a lot of people begin to doubt the ability of Bieber in singing.
Some fans even put a stamp on Justin with the word 'false' because the action to disappoint in this arena.
religion : Christian
birth : March 1, 1994
Biography: Justin Drew Bieber is a young pop singer from Canada.
Born in Strartford, Ontario March 1, 1994 and was raised alone by his mother, Pattie Malette, Justin has the talent and interest in music that is high enough. He mastered the trumpet, piano, guitar, and drums that he learned his own since childhood. At age 12, Justin singing contest in his hometown, Stratford, and won a second championship. Since then he began to document the appearance and upload it on Youtube, for friends who never had time to see him perform. In some videos, Justin sings the songs some famous singers like Usher, Justin Timberlake, Neyo, Chris Brown, and Stevie Wonder with its own version.
Luckily, Scooter Braun, So So Def marketing executive who accidentally witnessed the appearance on Youtube interested in musical talent. Braun immediately contacted Bieber and flew to Atlanta, Georgia to meet Usher.
Soon, Usher agree mengorbitkannya through record label Island Records in October 2008. To solidify his musical career Bieber and his mother moved to Atlanta.
Bieber's first album which was released in July 2009, MY WORLD, received quite festive. His first hit single, ONE TIME, featuring Usher as guest vocals ranked 20 major Canadian and American charts.
Single-single that was released subsequently received no less festive. ONE LESS LONELY GIRL, LOVE ME, and FAVORITE GIRL, was ranked top 40 Hot Bilboard. MY WORLD also received Platinum and Golden in the United States and Canada.
To promote his album, Bieber conducted a series of important performances. By Christmas 2009, Bieber appeared at the White House before President Barrack Obama and his wife. Bieber also appeared on MTV and some other live events such as Saturday Night Live and Kids Choice Awards.
Besides singing, Bieber also been a presenter for the Grammy Awards 52. His achievements in the music world makes it the youngest solo pop singer who can rule the world charts.
Popularity of Justin and the young age made him a star was asked to be anti-acne product advertising. This product itself is a fairly well-known product in the United States, namely Proactiv. Some well-known stars such as Kate Perry and Jessica Simpson have become advertising stars before Justin.
At MTV VMA 2010, Justin get the nomination "The Best New Artist against Kesha. In addition, she also will fill this grand event with a collaboration with Bob Justin is also rumored to be a duet with Kanye West because they are doing in collaboration West song titled "Runaway Love.
At the prestigious MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS 2010 which was held on September 12, 2010, Justin won the award for Best New Artist with his song with Ludacris called Baby.
Unfortunately, the much awaited event, which had audience with the emergence of Justin as their idol star, the boy appeared to disappoint many fans because the lipsync. This of course makes a lot of people begin to doubt the ability of Bieber in singing.
Some fans even put a stamp on Justin with the word 'false' because the action to disappoint in this arena.
justin bieber
United States
Senin, 06 Juni 2011
Goerge bush on the list of most evil person in the world
Former President of the United States (U.S.) George W Bush and former Vice-President Dick Cheney, into the row of figures behave badly throughout history. Uniquely list was issued in a school yearbook in the U.S..
Bush figure is equated with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, dedengkot Al Qaeda Osama bin Laden and the U.S. leading killer, Charles Manson. Yearbook of the controversy is printed by the first secondary school in Russellville Arkansas.
The release of this book is torn the ire of parents and teachers at the school. The organizers tried to book authors are invited to cover the last page of this criticism with black tape. But the parents are already angry with the act of the committee.
They could not accept if the figure of George W. Bush equated with Osama bin Laden. Under the order, Hitler was in the first place, followed Bin Laden and Charles Mason. Bush and Cheney himself is ranked four and five.
"Black tape will be easily opened. As parents and school board members and taxpayers, this action can not be very justified, "said one of his parents, Chris Cloud, as quoted Newsnet5.
The school itself says what is made by the students do not reflect the attitude of the school. Some teachers say that some students who became the committee making this book not vote on this list. They took the results of a poll on the internet for reference.
Bush figure is equated with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, dedengkot Al Qaeda Osama bin Laden and the U.S. leading killer, Charles Manson. Yearbook of the controversy is printed by the first secondary school in Russellville Arkansas.
The release of this book is torn the ire of parents and teachers at the school. The organizers tried to book authors are invited to cover the last page of this criticism with black tape. But the parents are already angry with the act of the committee.
They could not accept if the figure of George W. Bush equated with Osama bin Laden. Under the order, Hitler was in the first place, followed Bin Laden and Charles Mason. Bush and Cheney himself is ranked four and five.
"Black tape will be easily opened. As parents and school board members and taxpayers, this action can not be very justified, "said one of his parents, Chris Cloud, as quoted Newsnet5.
The school itself says what is made by the students do not reflect the attitude of the school. Some teachers say that some students who became the committee making this book not vote on this list. They took the results of a poll on the internet for reference.
Minggu, 05 Juni 2011
van amphibians, ice merchant english
If you go to England at this time do not be surprised when they saw a car run on water ice. This type of amphibious vehicle used Dave Mounfield to market his wares.
HMS Flake 99, the world's first amphibious vehicle used to sell ice cream on the fringe of beach and waterways of England.
Amphibious ice cream van was used in order to the National Ice Cream Week. As quoted from Trendhunter
Any action to sell, she put the speaker who sounded the strains of classic Rod Stewart with the song "We Are Sailing", as long as they are sailing at 5 knots.
"I'm proud to introduce that I was the captain of an ice cream van amphibians. This is a wonderful thing! I hope this marks the beginning of a great revival of trade ice cream on the coast of England," said Mounfield excited.
This could be an alternative in the current sale of ice cream manufacturers claim that their industry is in crisis. The number of vans reduced only 5,000 of 20,000 van for 50 years.
This is because many restrictions on the use vans because of concerns about noise and air pollution. Ice cream company is also being hit hard by the rising cost of dairy ingredients and sugar, and gasoline prices.
HMS Flake 99, the world's first amphibious vehicle used to sell ice cream on the fringe of beach and waterways of England.
Amphibious ice cream van was used in order to the National Ice Cream Week. As quoted from Trendhunter
Any action to sell, she put the speaker who sounded the strains of classic Rod Stewart with the song "We Are Sailing", as long as they are sailing at 5 knots.

This could be an alternative in the current sale of ice cream manufacturers claim that their industry is in crisis. The number of vans reduced only 5,000 of 20,000 van for 50 years.
This is because many restrictions on the use vans because of concerns about noise and air pollution. Ice cream company is also being hit hard by the rising cost of dairy ingredients and sugar, and gasoline prices.
david beckham is offered to assistant coach and player LA galaxy
Bagi pemain sekaliber David Beckham, memasuki usia pensiun bermain bola bukanlah merupakan hal yang meresahkan. Mantan bintang Manchester United tersebut bahkan sudah ditawari untuk melatih klub yang saat ini dibelanya, Los Angeles Galaxy. Kesempatan itu didapatkan Becks -sapaan Beckham- setelah masa kontraknya di LA Galaxi memasuki tahap akhir. Kontrak suami Victoria Adams tersebut memang akan berakhir pada November mendatang, setelah lima tahun merumput bersama LA Galaxi.
Pemain 36 tahun yang sempat berkostum Real Madrid tersebut sebetulnya ditawari untuk juga memperpanjang kontrak dengan LA Galaxi sebagai pemain pada musim berikutnya. Jika itu terjadi, pihak manajemen klub berjanji akan memberikan peran ganda bagi Beckham. Selain sebagai pemain, Becks juga diberi kesempatan untuk ikut mengurusi dapur Galaxi, sebagai asisten pelatih.
Namun, tawaran tersebut belum mendapat perhatian serius mantan kapten timnas Inggris tersebut. pasalnya, dengan berakhirnya kontrak bersama galaxi akhir tahun ini, itu berarti membuka peluang bagi Beckham untuk kembali merumput di Eropa, pada bursa transfer Januari hingga April tahun depan. Becks merumput bersama LA Galaxi selepas ia meninggalkan Real Madrid pada 2007 lalu. Sebelum bersama Madrid, Beckham dikenal sebagai icon klub berjuluk Setan Merah, Manchester United.
Menjadi seorang pelatih, menurut Beckham seperti dikutip People, merupakan cita-cita yang dimiliki oleh setiap pemain bola. Dan kesempatan yang saat ini didapat baginya sangat mahal nilainya. Beckham berjanji dalam waktu dekat ini akan memikirkan tawaran tersebut, dan memutuskan bagaimana membangun masa depannya usai gantung sepatu nanti.
Pemain 36 tahun yang sempat berkostum Real Madrid tersebut sebetulnya ditawari untuk juga memperpanjang kontrak dengan LA Galaxi sebagai pemain pada musim berikutnya. Jika itu terjadi, pihak manajemen klub berjanji akan memberikan peran ganda bagi Beckham. Selain sebagai pemain, Becks juga diberi kesempatan untuk ikut mengurusi dapur Galaxi, sebagai asisten pelatih.
Namun, tawaran tersebut belum mendapat perhatian serius mantan kapten timnas Inggris tersebut. pasalnya, dengan berakhirnya kontrak bersama galaxi akhir tahun ini, itu berarti membuka peluang bagi Beckham untuk kembali merumput di Eropa, pada bursa transfer Januari hingga April tahun depan. Becks merumput bersama LA Galaxi selepas ia meninggalkan Real Madrid pada 2007 lalu. Sebelum bersama Madrid, Beckham dikenal sebagai icon klub berjuluk Setan Merah, Manchester United.
Menjadi seorang pelatih, menurut Beckham seperti dikutip People, merupakan cita-cita yang dimiliki oleh setiap pemain bola. Dan kesempatan yang saat ini didapat baginya sangat mahal nilainya. Beckham berjanji dalam waktu dekat ini akan memikirkan tawaran tersebut, dan memutuskan bagaimana membangun masa depannya usai gantung sepatu nanti.
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011
writing articles that bring traffic visitors
This article represents the spirit of a blog or website. Strength sebauh blog / website is on articles that you serve. Especially when this item is everything. articles that only a copy paste of course not very liked by the readers / visitors. Should make a good article and interesting to look unique and many visitors return to your blog. But there are times when a blogger does not use rules in writing, so the origin of writing only what you want in writing. Actually a lot of tips and tricks wrote an article out there, but I want to try to share my habit in writing or make for interesting article. So many visitors are loyal and return to my blog.
1. Write articles that match your Niche Blogs
Write articles that are appropriate to the niche or topic you bloga. Do not over-exert yourself such as discussion of a trend right now is exciting photo syahrini when topic or niche you are a techno blog, then do not force yourself to write about syahrini. By writing in accordance with our niche, visitors seemed to get a plus from our blog or website.
2. Better to write the article that you know
Like the tag line of this blog "strain sharing what you know", in writing articles, too. It is better we write the things that we know to be more easily in developing it. In addition we can also answer incoming questions from readers.
Do not get to capture the visitors, we wrote about adsense tips and tricks and we've never plunge into the world of adsense.
3. Use your writing paragraphs daram
Never once wrote an article without a paragraph from beginning to end. Paragraph visitors used to digest each core of our writing. The writing is flat from beginning to end is also sometimes a headache to read. Especially the article about the tutorial, it would be difficult to understand by the reader. It is better if the article contains a tutorial, each step is placed at different points with a bullet / numbering.
4. Create the bombastic title
The title is like a door for visitors, if the door would attract visitors think that the contents in the home are also many interesting objects. Well, smart pintarlah you create titles, use words that provoke. As one of the articles that I created with the title Looking Apparently Healthy Breasts. To note in making the title is not until we deceive visitors, within the meaning of the title and there is no association. The title is fantastic but it was not that quality. This is actually a boomerang for us, because it could be branded blog fraudsters.
A good title = more traffic
5. Insert illustrations
An article would be more attractive if given the illustrations in it. Can be placed in the beginning of the article, or middle. Visitors also prefer articles that contain images because it can provide initial description of the contents of the article. Well for those who write tutorials, pictures or screen shoot waajib in paste for visitors it's easier to understand step by step is given. other than that if we insert the image there is a chance we get traffic from image searches.
6. Give a little spice of humor
Reading long articles sometimes make a person feel tired, to get around so that visitors do not direct the cursor to the back button once in a while you need to insert humor into your writing. But no need to also insert photos or narji sule into the article. Simply pleset play on it.
6 Tips on only some, there are many more ways to make your writing interesting and certainly well in the eyes of visitors.
Hopefully useful.
1. Write articles that match your Niche Blogs
Write articles that are appropriate to the niche or topic you bloga. Do not over-exert yourself such as discussion of a trend right now is exciting photo syahrini when topic or niche you are a techno blog, then do not force yourself to write about syahrini. By writing in accordance with our niche, visitors seemed to get a plus from our blog or website.
2. Better to write the article that you know
Like the tag line of this blog "strain sharing what you know", in writing articles, too. It is better we write the things that we know to be more easily in developing it. In addition we can also answer incoming questions from readers.
Do not get to capture the visitors, we wrote about adsense tips and tricks and we've never plunge into the world of adsense.
3. Use your writing paragraphs daram
Never once wrote an article without a paragraph from beginning to end. Paragraph visitors used to digest each core of our writing. The writing is flat from beginning to end is also sometimes a headache to read. Especially the article about the tutorial, it would be difficult to understand by the reader. It is better if the article contains a tutorial, each step is placed at different points with a bullet / numbering.
4. Create the bombastic title
The title is like a door for visitors, if the door would attract visitors think that the contents in the home are also many interesting objects. Well, smart pintarlah you create titles, use words that provoke. As one of the articles that I created with the title Looking Apparently Healthy Breasts. To note in making the title is not until we deceive visitors, within the meaning of the title and there is no association. The title is fantastic but it was not that quality. This is actually a boomerang for us, because it could be branded blog fraudsters.
A good title = more traffic
5. Insert illustrations
An article would be more attractive if given the illustrations in it. Can be placed in the beginning of the article, or middle. Visitors also prefer articles that contain images because it can provide initial description of the contents of the article. Well for those who write tutorials, pictures or screen shoot waajib in paste for visitors it's easier to understand step by step is given. other than that if we insert the image there is a chance we get traffic from image searches.
6. Give a little spice of humor
Reading long articles sometimes make a person feel tired, to get around so that visitors do not direct the cursor to the back button once in a while you need to insert humor into your writing. But no need to also insert photos or narji sule into the article. Simply pleset play on it.
6 Tips on only some, there are many more ways to make your writing interesting and certainly well in the eyes of visitors.
Hopefully useful.
the beauty of a woman's breasts in his eyes
Undeniably, all men around the world like her beautiful face and attractive. Moreover, if supported by a sexy body.
One woman sexy rating is determined by the appearance of a fantastic body and invite the passion and imagination of its diverse forms, especially her breasts. Really?
According to one study, the breast is the physical part of the most attractive woman, eye-catching, containing the elements of teasing, contains a very high sensuality that deliberately hidden at once.
For some men, what is seen from her appearance? Head, feet, hands? surely you often hear the chatter among the men when viewing the appearance of a woman who suck up attention, .. 'crazy her body is really sexy woman! It's perfect breast!
Proved that the body healthy and sexy women who attract the attention of the opposite sex more, especially her partner. One of the most highlighted parts of the body is a breast. So no wonder if the beautiful breasts also gives an aura of beauty to the whole body of its owner.
At least a woman's breasts become a symbol of the subconscious of every human being as a convenience and security, especially for men. While in many Western cultures, especially in America, often abused breasts as objects of erotic power.
In line with the fact that expand, the opinion of men also differ on the breast. But essentially, they really admire and appreciate its beauty.
"My wife is very beautiful breasts. Her skin was very soft, light and chewy like a large pearl, "I am a man, 34 years old and have been married.
Another man joined comment. He said that during his life he had never seen a breast that is not liked. For some men might be concerned about the right size and good size.
Indeed, women and men are equally created a cultural dynamics of the breast as a sexual object. The proof is not a few women who tried to raise the breasts to attract men. In fact, according to the man who could tempt them are not always large breasts.
As reported by the Graceglamour, 70% of men claimed the woman's body is the most sexy and attractive is the breast. So, not a surprising fact anymore.
Interest in men will be breast, many women also understood. Because it was slightly weaker sex who climbed onto the operating table to get a more attractive breast shape or in other words, bigger.
But apparently not the only measure the magnetic pull for men. Men found attention to form, proportion, and firmness in addition to breast size.
Although considered a woman's breasts are very large but not proportionate to the body, it is also not attractive to men.
According to some men, breasts are tight, perfectly shaped and is located quite high in the chest area is an attractive breast. In essence, he not only saw the breast alone but as one whole package with her body as a whole.
One woman sexy rating is determined by the appearance of a fantastic body and invite the passion and imagination of its diverse forms, especially her breasts. Really?
According to one study, the breast is the physical part of the most attractive woman, eye-catching, containing the elements of teasing, contains a very high sensuality that deliberately hidden at once.
For some men, what is seen from her appearance? Head, feet, hands? surely you often hear the chatter among the men when viewing the appearance of a woman who suck up attention, .. 'crazy her body is really sexy woman! It's perfect breast!
Proved that the body healthy and sexy women who attract the attention of the opposite sex more, especially her partner. One of the most highlighted parts of the body is a breast. So no wonder if the beautiful breasts also gives an aura of beauty to the whole body of its owner.
At least a woman's breasts become a symbol of the subconscious of every human being as a convenience and security, especially for men. While in many Western cultures, especially in America, often abused breasts as objects of erotic power.
In line with the fact that expand, the opinion of men also differ on the breast. But essentially, they really admire and appreciate its beauty.
"My wife is very beautiful breasts. Her skin was very soft, light and chewy like a large pearl, "I am a man, 34 years old and have been married.
Another man joined comment. He said that during his life he had never seen a breast that is not liked. For some men might be concerned about the right size and good size.
Indeed, women and men are equally created a cultural dynamics of the breast as a sexual object. The proof is not a few women who tried to raise the breasts to attract men. In fact, according to the man who could tempt them are not always large breasts.
As reported by the Graceglamour, 70% of men claimed the woman's body is the most sexy and attractive is the breast. So, not a surprising fact anymore.
Interest in men will be breast, many women also understood. Because it was slightly weaker sex who climbed onto the operating table to get a more attractive breast shape or in other words, bigger.
But apparently not the only measure the magnetic pull for men. Men found attention to form, proportion, and firmness in addition to breast size.
Although considered a woman's breasts are very large but not proportionate to the body, it is also not attractive to men.
According to some men, breasts are tight, perfectly shaped and is located quite high in the chest area is an attractive breast. In essence, he not only saw the breast alone but as one whole package with her body as a whole.
justin introduce Selena to his parents
Justin Bieber show its seriousness in a relationship with Selena Gomez. Evidence, Justin did not hesitate to introduce the older lover of one year from him that to his family.
As quoted by the Daily Mail, Friday (6/3/2011), Justin invites Selena went to his hometown in Canada. Selena met with Justin's extended family, including Justin's parents.
Do not forget Justin invites Selena lunch with her extended family. Justin's family looks so happy to accept the presence of Selena.
"They were really sweet and they are a matching pair. Justin often come here every time you come home for lunch," one source beber.
Justin was starting an open affair with associated relationship Selena. Some time ago, they also do not hesitate to show affection while on vacation in Hawaii.
Selena was also always seen present in every concert chanter Never Say Never that. Including when Justin stomping fans in Indonesia some time ago.
As quoted by the Daily Mail, Friday (6/3/2011), Justin invites Selena went to his hometown in Canada. Selena met with Justin's extended family, including Justin's parents.
Do not forget Justin invites Selena lunch with her extended family. Justin's family looks so happy to accept the presence of Selena.
"They were really sweet and they are a matching pair. Justin often come here every time you come home for lunch," one source beber.
Justin was starting an open affair with associated relationship Selena. Some time ago, they also do not hesitate to show affection while on vacation in Hawaii.
Selena was also always seen present in every concert chanter Never Say Never that. Including when Justin stomping fans in Indonesia some time ago.
Selasa, 31 Mei 2011
victoria to the soccer field using a high heel
VICTORIA Beckham often wears a black dress in a variety of occasions. Recently, he was wearing the same color as the fruit accompany him to play football, he even add them with high heels.
Vic who was pregnant with this fourth accompany his youngest son, Cruz, playing soccer in a field in Los Angeles. What makes anyone shaking his head is Christian Louboutin high heel as high as five inches of wearing black.
Could be, her husband, David Beckham, did not agree with the choice of his appearance, but the former Spice Girl looks amazing.
He perfected his legs simply suede boots with black tights and a thin cardigan over her pregnancy. Even her nail polish-was caught on camera as she holds the phone with a performance-fit 37-year-old woman is a gothic themed.
Meanwhile, Cruz looks running around the garden wearing shorts and t-shirts in blue, without the presence of two brothers. Similarly, as reported by Dailymail, Tuesday (05/31/2011).
The plan, Vic gave birth to her fourth child in early July. Despite choosing to give birth in the U.S., Beckham is rumored to be returning to England and settled during the summer. This family will stay at their mansion in Hertfordshire, England.
Vic who was pregnant with this fourth accompany his youngest son, Cruz, playing soccer in a field in Los Angeles. What makes anyone shaking his head is Christian Louboutin high heel as high as five inches of wearing black.
Could be, her husband, David Beckham, did not agree with the choice of his appearance, but the former Spice Girl looks amazing.
He perfected his legs simply suede boots with black tights and a thin cardigan over her pregnancy. Even her nail polish-was caught on camera as she holds the phone with a performance-fit 37-year-old woman is a gothic themed.
Meanwhile, Cruz looks running around the garden wearing shorts and t-shirts in blue, without the presence of two brothers. Similarly, as reported by Dailymail, Tuesday (05/31/2011).
The plan, Vic gave birth to her fourth child in early July. Despite choosing to give birth in the U.S., Beckham is rumored to be returning to England and settled during the summer. This family will stay at their mansion in Hertfordshire, England.
Senin, 30 Mei 2011
victoria beckham distribute free treatment cream
Victoria Beckham is looking forward to the birth of her fourth child. In the midst of busy preparing for the birth, the wife of footballer David Beckham, to share tips on skin care for stretch marks antidote to pregnant women.
Victoria's Secret turns smooth skin is cream Elemis Japanese Camellia Oil. Through Twitter account is at 1.2 million people follow, he writes, "Pregnancy Tips!! I use it every pregnant, it's amazing!". He also uploaded photos cream bottles.
Cream worth £ 27.60, got it for free. Parties from Elemis sent cream for free. No business or professional agreement between Victoria with parties from Elemis.
That's because if Victoria receives payment for his tweet about Elemis cream, he could violate the 'Office of Fair Trading'. In Britain, anyone who recommends products online should write clearly whether he paid or not.
"Victoria does not work for us. Whatever he put on his own assessment. We did send him the product for free, but there is no agreement. No contract," said party from Elemis, as quoted by the Daily Mail.
Victoria's Secret turns smooth skin is cream Elemis Japanese Camellia Oil. Through Twitter account is at 1.2 million people follow, he writes, "Pregnancy Tips!! I use it every pregnant, it's amazing!". He also uploaded photos cream bottles.
Cream worth £ 27.60, got it for free. Parties from Elemis sent cream for free. No business or professional agreement between Victoria with parties from Elemis.
That's because if Victoria receives payment for his tweet about Elemis cream, he could violate the 'Office of Fair Trading'. In Britain, anyone who recommends products online should write clearly whether he paid or not.
"Victoria does not work for us. Whatever he put on his own assessment. We did send him the product for free, but there is no agreement. No contract," said party from Elemis, as quoted by the Daily Mail.
Jumat, 27 Mei 2011
secret victoria beckham get rid of cellulite
At the age of entering the seventh month of pregnancy, Victoria Beckham still look slim. He seems very controlling so that her body shape has not changed much. Before the baby was born, women 35 years has also been preparing to hire a personal trainer to restore the body shape of post-childbirth later.
To his followers on Twitter, recently Victoria share recipes on pregnancy products that can not be left behind. He upload photos Elemis Japanese Camellia Oil Blend, anti-stretch marks products that have been used since the first pregnancy.
"Pregnancy tips!! I have Used this through every pregnancy, it's amazing!! X VB," so kicaunya.
Items free of parabens (preservative chemicals for cosmetics) is believed to be able to keep the skin during pregnancy remain flexible and help prevent stretch marks.
See appearance Victoria who remain glamorous as she stepped on the red carpet in support of his manager, Simon Fuller, received the Hollywood's Walk of Fame some time ago, anyone would believe that the products are indeed quite effective for him. At least, Victoria showed that an attractive appearance will only be obtained if we are diligent in taking care of themselves.
To his followers on Twitter, recently Victoria share recipes on pregnancy products that can not be left behind. He upload photos Elemis Japanese Camellia Oil Blend, anti-stretch marks products that have been used since the first pregnancy.
"Pregnancy tips!! I have Used this through every pregnancy, it's amazing!! X VB," so kicaunya.
Items free of parabens (preservative chemicals for cosmetics) is believed to be able to keep the skin during pregnancy remain flexible and help prevent stretch marks.
See appearance Victoria who remain glamorous as she stepped on the red carpet in support of his manager, Simon Fuller, received the Hollywood's Walk of Fame some time ago, anyone would believe that the products are indeed quite effective for him. At least, Victoria showed that an attractive appearance will only be obtained if we are diligent in taking care of themselves.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
victoria, plan the birth of baby hearts of independence usa
The celebrity couple David Beckham and Victoria Adams was awaiting the birth of their fourth child. Victoria who is a former personnel 'Spice Girls' was planning to give birth in the United States Independence Day on 4 July.
As reported by The Sun, Friday (20/05/2011) Victoria to do this in honor of Uncle Sam's country they lived for 4 years. They also had to prepare Atlanta to name her baby.
Previously, Victoria had reserved a private room at London's Hospital on 4 June. But he changed his mind, and decided to give birth in Los Angeles.
"Vic and David love America, its culture and people who welcome him with open arms," said the source.
The fetus that was conceived of Victoria known female. Previously, Victoria had expressed her wish to name the baby 'Luna'. The name means 'moon' in Spanish.
For his son, David Beckham and Victoria refused to use the traditional English names like John, Peter or David. The couple chose the name of Spain smell like Romeo and Cruz.
As reported by The Sun, Friday (20/05/2011) Victoria to do this in honor of Uncle Sam's country they lived for 4 years. They also had to prepare Atlanta to name her baby.
Previously, Victoria had reserved a private room at London's Hospital on 4 June. But he changed his mind, and decided to give birth in Los Angeles.
"Vic and David love America, its culture and people who welcome him with open arms," said the source.
The fetus that was conceived of Victoria known female. Previously, Victoria had expressed her wish to name the baby 'Luna'. The name means 'moon' in Spanish.
For his son, David Beckham and Victoria refused to use the traditional English names like John, Peter or David. The couple chose the name of Spain smell like Romeo and Cruz.
Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011
9 cases strangest divorce
How do you wife want a divorce on the grounds that her husband is too in love with the cleanliness? Maybe we will be cursed all-out, "why not given clearance grateful husband ...". However, it turns out there are you know a real incident like that. At least that is experienced by a German man in April 2009.
His wife divorced him because the heart is too saturated with the nature of her husband who is too clean. They have passed 15 years together, but his wife's patience runs out when her husband decided to rebuild one of the walls in the house just because the previous wall looked so dirty.
In addition to the above story, below there's more other 9 cases of divorce, no less strange. Let's look together.
1. Had separate beds during early married
Court Tainan (Taiwan) grant the demands of a husband for divorce because his wife was 'too embarrassed' to admit their marriage, even after the wedding is running a year old. 39-year-old teacher was acquainted with his wife (30) through a matchmaker service. After Chen and Lin, so call them, going out for 3 months, they finally decided to get married.
But Lin refused to undergo marriage to the fair. When the first night, Lin slept in a state of dress 'full' with a blanket covering her body. When Chen tried to sleep with him, Lin pushed him away shouting, "That's ridiculous you are!", And Lin is also home to his parents' house the next day.
Through the matchmaker who introduced them, Lin admitted signing a contract agreed to marry only because of problems of livelihood and he also asked that she and her husband slept separately. But somehow, obviously not achieved the purpose Lin Chen who can not stand because eventually filed for divorce. Lin admitted in court that he refused to undergo the first night because of feeling tired and sick. But the judges still think that is a strange thing when Lin asked for separate beds since she got married.
The judge also asked Lin to give NT $ 300 thousand (about Rp90 million) in Chen's in compensation for the purchase of apartments, dowry, and shame due to a failed marriage because of trivial reasons.
2. Ngintip husband his wife's face
A Saudi woman in 2008 and then sue for divorce because her husband tried to peek his face. Strangely, their marriage at that time had entered the age of 30. Perhaps the curiosity that had accumulated over the years that makes the husband finally could not stand and really want to know what the hell the wife's face.
After getting caught trying to open his wife's veil as she slept, her husband apologized and promised never to repeat it. But unfortunately, the wife who had only showed her eyes just continued to insist for divorce. Ah, so curious, actually his wife's face is too pretty or reverse it?
3. Advice parrot
Nine years ago, a woman from China filed the petition for divorce after his pet mynah bird to say the words that is quite strange in his hearing. Bird was said to utter words such as: "Divorce", "I Love You", and "Patience dong!".
According to the newspaper Xinmin Evening, from the bird chatter, the wife suspected something was wrong. Then note that the bird seems to learn new vocabulary from the phone while talking with her husband's dark WIL, while his wife visited his parents' house. The wife had brought the case as well as 'witnesses' to the court, in the hope that this could be a strong evidence that her husband was cheating and he wanted a divorce.
4. Having an affair with a neighbor
A grandmother 84-year-old German divorce her husband (82) after 60 years of togetherness because her husband caught them having sex with other women in the workplace. The story of this affair when the couple parted dark forgot to close the curtains when you're busy doing a quickie in one corner of the office. When her husband knew delinquency, Ruth immediately expel old grandfather was gone, and oddly enough, the old man then decided to stay with their mistresses whose home is only 2 doors from the house of Ruth.
5. Lying about age
Luo who lied about his age finally had to feel the consequences of his lie own lips. After 10 years of marriage, the husband desperate to divorce Luo because he regarded himself had been deceived. Luo himself admitted was 24 years old when he was spoken for, but when it has reached the age of 30 years.
6. Do not want to eat lunch with mother-in-law again
Women from Focsani (Rome) had a divorce in 2005, with the reason he can not stand having lunch with her mother-in-law ... every day. Women (23) who had been married 10 months was admitted that her life was like in hell because of the presence of the mother-in-law. Elena T told the court that it was the main reason for divorce. Even so the court advised him to seek a better excuse if you want a divorce from her husband.
7. Couple more to feed wild animals
A retired Roman filed for divorce against her husband after 50 years of their marriage because he was bored with the behavior of her husband who likes to spend his retirement by feeding the animals the streets. Eliza Barbu (71) said her husband regularly give food scraps for a few years later on a pair of wild dogs.
However, when the number of her husband's upbringing evolved into 20 animals and the husband gave the animals eat up to 3 times a day, then Eliza had reached its saturation point. The reason is, due to act of the husband, no more food left for them both.
Eliza said she could no longer accept the fact that they have to starve because the money is spent on pensioners dog food around the house. Moreover, more and more dogs are coming every day.
8. Husband insisted the Beijing Olympics campaign
This man divorced his wife two years ago because he decided to run across China to support the Olympics in Beijing. Wang Yueting (57) from Chuzhou city (Anhui province) to sell her apartment to finance the 'escape'. He spent the money to a van and 6 other people, which is a support team with him. Wang's wife threatened to file for divorce if her husband still go, and finally came to pass breakup.
9. Because Mr.P broken
A man was sued for divorce by his wife after the wife found her husband Mr.P false. This was revealed when they're having sex. The husband, Grigory Toporov (48), said that he did not know how big his penis so he wanted to do 'connection' Mr.P. However, his wife just shocked and frightened when Mr. P husband broke when they're busy doing the hot action. Greg said he would make Mr extension. P again, but his wife was already saturated with failure when in bed and she still asked for a divorce. Just weird!
His wife divorced him because the heart is too saturated with the nature of her husband who is too clean. They have passed 15 years together, but his wife's patience runs out when her husband decided to rebuild one of the walls in the house just because the previous wall looked so dirty.
In addition to the above story, below there's more other 9 cases of divorce, no less strange. Let's look together.
1. Had separate beds during early married
Court Tainan (Taiwan) grant the demands of a husband for divorce because his wife was 'too embarrassed' to admit their marriage, even after the wedding is running a year old. 39-year-old teacher was acquainted with his wife (30) through a matchmaker service. After Chen and Lin, so call them, going out for 3 months, they finally decided to get married.
But Lin refused to undergo marriage to the fair. When the first night, Lin slept in a state of dress 'full' with a blanket covering her body. When Chen tried to sleep with him, Lin pushed him away shouting, "That's ridiculous you are!", And Lin is also home to his parents' house the next day.
Through the matchmaker who introduced them, Lin admitted signing a contract agreed to marry only because of problems of livelihood and he also asked that she and her husband slept separately. But somehow, obviously not achieved the purpose Lin Chen who can not stand because eventually filed for divorce. Lin admitted in court that he refused to undergo the first night because of feeling tired and sick. But the judges still think that is a strange thing when Lin asked for separate beds since she got married.
The judge also asked Lin to give NT $ 300 thousand (about Rp90 million) in Chen's in compensation for the purchase of apartments, dowry, and shame due to a failed marriage because of trivial reasons.
2. Ngintip husband his wife's face
A Saudi woman in 2008 and then sue for divorce because her husband tried to peek his face. Strangely, their marriage at that time had entered the age of 30. Perhaps the curiosity that had accumulated over the years that makes the husband finally could not stand and really want to know what the hell the wife's face.
After getting caught trying to open his wife's veil as she slept, her husband apologized and promised never to repeat it. But unfortunately, the wife who had only showed her eyes just continued to insist for divorce. Ah, so curious, actually his wife's face is too pretty or reverse it?
3. Advice parrot
Nine years ago, a woman from China filed the petition for divorce after his pet mynah bird to say the words that is quite strange in his hearing. Bird was said to utter words such as: "Divorce", "I Love You", and "Patience dong!".
According to the newspaper Xinmin Evening, from the bird chatter, the wife suspected something was wrong. Then note that the bird seems to learn new vocabulary from the phone while talking with her husband's dark WIL, while his wife visited his parents' house. The wife had brought the case as well as 'witnesses' to the court, in the hope that this could be a strong evidence that her husband was cheating and he wanted a divorce.
4. Having an affair with a neighbor
A grandmother 84-year-old German divorce her husband (82) after 60 years of togetherness because her husband caught them having sex with other women in the workplace. The story of this affair when the couple parted dark forgot to close the curtains when you're busy doing a quickie in one corner of the office. When her husband knew delinquency, Ruth immediately expel old grandfather was gone, and oddly enough, the old man then decided to stay with their mistresses whose home is only 2 doors from the house of Ruth.
5. Lying about age
Luo who lied about his age finally had to feel the consequences of his lie own lips. After 10 years of marriage, the husband desperate to divorce Luo because he regarded himself had been deceived. Luo himself admitted was 24 years old when he was spoken for, but when it has reached the age of 30 years.
6. Do not want to eat lunch with mother-in-law again
Women from Focsani (Rome) had a divorce in 2005, with the reason he can not stand having lunch with her mother-in-law ... every day. Women (23) who had been married 10 months was admitted that her life was like in hell because of the presence of the mother-in-law. Elena T told the court that it was the main reason for divorce. Even so the court advised him to seek a better excuse if you want a divorce from her husband.
7. Couple more to feed wild animals
A retired Roman filed for divorce against her husband after 50 years of their marriage because he was bored with the behavior of her husband who likes to spend his retirement by feeding the animals the streets. Eliza Barbu (71) said her husband regularly give food scraps for a few years later on a pair of wild dogs.
However, when the number of her husband's upbringing evolved into 20 animals and the husband gave the animals eat up to 3 times a day, then Eliza had reached its saturation point. The reason is, due to act of the husband, no more food left for them both.
Eliza said she could no longer accept the fact that they have to starve because the money is spent on pensioners dog food around the house. Moreover, more and more dogs are coming every day.
8. Husband insisted the Beijing Olympics campaign
This man divorced his wife two years ago because he decided to run across China to support the Olympics in Beijing. Wang Yueting (57) from Chuzhou city (Anhui province) to sell her apartment to finance the 'escape'. He spent the money to a van and 6 other people, which is a support team with him. Wang's wife threatened to file for divorce if her husband still go, and finally came to pass breakup.
9. Because Mr.P broken
A man was sued for divorce by his wife after the wife found her husband Mr.P false. This was revealed when they're having sex. The husband, Grigory Toporov (48), said that he did not know how big his penis so he wanted to do 'connection' Mr.P. However, his wife just shocked and frightened when Mr. P husband broke when they're busy doing the hot action. Greg said he would make Mr extension. P again, but his wife was already saturated with failure when in bed and she still asked for a divorce. Just weird!
9 cases strangest divorce
How do you wife want a divorce on the grounds that her husband is too in love with the cleanliness? Maybe we will be cursed all-out, "why not given clearance grateful husband ...". However, it turns out there are you know a real incident like that. At least that is experienced by a German man in April 2009.
His wife divorced him because the heart is too saturated with the nature of her husband who is too clean. They have passed 15 years together, but his wife's patience runs out when her husband decided to rebuild one of the walls in the house just because the previous wall looked so dirty.
In addition to the above story, below there's more other 9 cases of divorce, no less strange. Let's look together.
1. Had separate beds during early married
Court Tainan (Taiwan) grant the demands of a husband for divorce because his wife was 'too embarrassed' to admit their marriage, even after the wedding is running a year old. 39-year-old teacher was acquainted with his wife (30) through a matchmaker service. After Chen and Lin, so call them, going out for 3 months, they finally decided to get married.
But Lin refused to undergo marriage to the fair. When the first night, Lin slept in a state of dress 'full' with a blanket covering her body. When Chen tried to sleep with him, Lin pushed him away shouting, "That's ridiculous you are!", And Lin is also home to his parents' house the next day.
Through the matchmaker who introduced them, Lin admitted signing a contract agreed to marry only because of problems of livelihood and he also asked that she and her husband slept separately. But somehow, obviously not achieved the purpose Lin Chen who can not stand because eventually filed for divorce. Lin admitted in court that he refused to undergo the first night because of feeling tired and sick. But the judges still think that is a strange thing when Lin asked for separate beds since she got married.
The judge also asked Lin to give NT $ 300 thousand (about Rp90 million) in Chen's in compensation for the purchase of apartments, dowry, and shame due to a failed marriage because of trivial reasons.
2. Ngintip husband his wife's face
A Saudi woman in 2008 and then sue for divorce because her husband tried to peek his face. Strangely, their marriage at that time had entered the age of 30. Perhaps the curiosity that had accumulated over the years that makes the husband finally could not stand and really want to know what the hell the wife's face.
After getting caught trying to open his wife's veil as she slept, her husband apologized and promised never to repeat it. But unfortunately, the wife who had only showed her eyes just continued to insist for divorce. Ah, so curious, actually his wife's face is too pretty or reverse it?
3. Advice parrot
Nine years ago, a woman from China filed the petition for divorce after his pet mynah bird to say the words that is quite strange in his hearing. Bird was said to utter words such as: "Divorce", "I Love You", and "Patience dong!".
According to the newspaper Xinmin Evening, from the bird chatter, the wife suspected something was wrong. Then note that the bird seems to learn new vocabulary from the phone while talking with her husband's dark WIL, while his wife visited his parents' house. The wife had brought the case as well as 'witnesses' to the court, in the hope that this could be a strong evidence that her husband was cheating and he wanted a divorce.
4. Having an affair with a neighbor
A grandmother 84-year-old German divorce her husband (82) after 60 years of togetherness because her husband caught them having sex with other women in the workplace. The story of this affair when the couple parted dark forgot to close the curtains when you're busy doing a quickie in one corner of the office. When her husband knew delinquency, Ruth immediately expel old grandfather was gone, and oddly enough, the old man then decided to stay with their mistresses whose home is only 2 doors from the house of Ruth.
5. Lying about age
Luo who lied about his age finally had to feel the consequences of his lie own lips. After 10 years of marriage, the husband desperate to divorce Luo because he regarded himself had been deceived. Luo himself admitted was 24 years old when he was spoken for, but when it has reached the age of 30 years.
6. Do not want to eat lunch with mother-in-law again
Women from Focsani (Rome) had a divorce in 2005, with the reason he can not stand having lunch with her mother-in-law ... every day. Women (23) who had been married 10 months was admitted that her life was like in hell because of the presence of the mother-in-law. Elena T told the court that it was the main reason for divorce. Even so the court advised him to seek a better excuse if you want a divorce from her husband.
7. Couple more to feed wild animals
A retired Roman filed for divorce against her husband after 50 years of their marriage because he was bored with the behavior of her husband who likes to spend his retirement by feeding the animals the streets. Eliza Barbu (71) said her husband regularly give food scraps for a few years later on a pair of wild dogs.
However, when the number of her husband's upbringing evolved into 20 animals and the husband gave the animals eat up to 3 times a day, then Eliza had reached its saturation point. The reason is, due to act of the husband, no more food left for them both.
Eliza said she could no longer accept the fact that they have to starve because the money is spent on pensioners dog food around the house. Moreover, more and more dogs are coming every day.
8. Husband insisted the Beijing Olympics campaign
This man divorced his wife two years ago because he decided to run across China to support the Olympics in Beijing. Wang Yueting (57) from Chuzhou city (Anhui province) to sell her apartment to finance the 'escape'. He spent the money to a van and 6 other people, which is a support team with him. Wang's wife threatened to file for divorce if her husband still go, and finally came to pass breakup.
9. Because Mr.P broken
A man was sued for divorce by his wife after the wife found her husband Mr.P false. This was revealed when they're having sex. The husband, Grigory Toporov (48), said that he did not know how big his penis so he wanted to do 'connection' Mr.P. However, his wife just shocked and frightened when Mr. P husband broke when they're busy doing the hot action. Greg said he would make Mr extension. P again, but his wife was already saturated with failure when in bed and she still asked for a divorce. Just weird!
His wife divorced him because the heart is too saturated with the nature of her husband who is too clean. They have passed 15 years together, but his wife's patience runs out when her husband decided to rebuild one of the walls in the house just because the previous wall looked so dirty.
In addition to the above story, below there's more other 9 cases of divorce, no less strange. Let's look together.
1. Had separate beds during early married
Court Tainan (Taiwan) grant the demands of a husband for divorce because his wife was 'too embarrassed' to admit their marriage, even after the wedding is running a year old. 39-year-old teacher was acquainted with his wife (30) through a matchmaker service. After Chen and Lin, so call them, going out for 3 months, they finally decided to get married.
But Lin refused to undergo marriage to the fair. When the first night, Lin slept in a state of dress 'full' with a blanket covering her body. When Chen tried to sleep with him, Lin pushed him away shouting, "That's ridiculous you are!", And Lin is also home to his parents' house the next day.
Through the matchmaker who introduced them, Lin admitted signing a contract agreed to marry only because of problems of livelihood and he also asked that she and her husband slept separately. But somehow, obviously not achieved the purpose Lin Chen who can not stand because eventually filed for divorce. Lin admitted in court that he refused to undergo the first night because of feeling tired and sick. But the judges still think that is a strange thing when Lin asked for separate beds since she got married.
The judge also asked Lin to give NT $ 300 thousand (about Rp90 million) in Chen's in compensation for the purchase of apartments, dowry, and shame due to a failed marriage because of trivial reasons.
2. Ngintip husband his wife's face
A Saudi woman in 2008 and then sue for divorce because her husband tried to peek his face. Strangely, their marriage at that time had entered the age of 30. Perhaps the curiosity that had accumulated over the years that makes the husband finally could not stand and really want to know what the hell the wife's face.
After getting caught trying to open his wife's veil as she slept, her husband apologized and promised never to repeat it. But unfortunately, the wife who had only showed her eyes just continued to insist for divorce. Ah, so curious, actually his wife's face is too pretty or reverse it?
3. Advice parrot
Nine years ago, a woman from China filed the petition for divorce after his pet mynah bird to say the words that is quite strange in his hearing. Bird was said to utter words such as: "Divorce", "I Love You", and "Patience dong!".
According to the newspaper Xinmin Evening, from the bird chatter, the wife suspected something was wrong. Then note that the bird seems to learn new vocabulary from the phone while talking with her husband's dark WIL, while his wife visited his parents' house. The wife had brought the case as well as 'witnesses' to the court, in the hope that this could be a strong evidence that her husband was cheating and he wanted a divorce.
4. Having an affair with a neighbor
A grandmother 84-year-old German divorce her husband (82) after 60 years of togetherness because her husband caught them having sex with other women in the workplace. The story of this affair when the couple parted dark forgot to close the curtains when you're busy doing a quickie in one corner of the office. When her husband knew delinquency, Ruth immediately expel old grandfather was gone, and oddly enough, the old man then decided to stay with their mistresses whose home is only 2 doors from the house of Ruth.
5. Lying about age
Luo who lied about his age finally had to feel the consequences of his lie own lips. After 10 years of marriage, the husband desperate to divorce Luo because he regarded himself had been deceived. Luo himself admitted was 24 years old when he was spoken for, but when it has reached the age of 30 years.
6. Do not want to eat lunch with mother-in-law again
Women from Focsani (Rome) had a divorce in 2005, with the reason he can not stand having lunch with her mother-in-law ... every day. Women (23) who had been married 10 months was admitted that her life was like in hell because of the presence of the mother-in-law. Elena T told the court that it was the main reason for divorce. Even so the court advised him to seek a better excuse if you want a divorce from her husband.
7. Couple more to feed wild animals
A retired Roman filed for divorce against her husband after 50 years of their marriage because he was bored with the behavior of her husband who likes to spend his retirement by feeding the animals the streets. Eliza Barbu (71) said her husband regularly give food scraps for a few years later on a pair of wild dogs.
However, when the number of her husband's upbringing evolved into 20 animals and the husband gave the animals eat up to 3 times a day, then Eliza had reached its saturation point. The reason is, due to act of the husband, no more food left for them both.
Eliza said she could no longer accept the fact that they have to starve because the money is spent on pensioners dog food around the house. Moreover, more and more dogs are coming every day.
8. Husband insisted the Beijing Olympics campaign
This man divorced his wife two years ago because he decided to run across China to support the Olympics in Beijing. Wang Yueting (57) from Chuzhou city (Anhui province) to sell her apartment to finance the 'escape'. He spent the money to a van and 6 other people, which is a support team with him. Wang's wife threatened to file for divorce if her husband still go, and finally came to pass breakup.
9. Because Mr.P broken
A man was sued for divorce by his wife after the wife found her husband Mr.P false. This was revealed when they're having sex. The husband, Grigory Toporov (48), said that he did not know how big his penis so he wanted to do 'connection' Mr.P. However, his wife just shocked and frightened when Mr. P husband broke when they're busy doing the hot action. Greg said he would make Mr extension. P again, but his wife was already saturated with failure when in bed and she still asked for a divorce. Just weird!
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
foto toket syahrini dipegang daniel (baru)
ini dia fota syahrini yang payudara / dada / toket -nya di pegang oleh vj Daniel dalam beberapa kali jempretan foto.
sadar atau tidaknya syahrini saat toket / payudara / dada -na dipegang vj daniel kita tidak tahu, tetapi dari hasil foto menunjukkan bahwa syahrini $$$$$$$$
sadar atau tidaknya syahrini saat toket / payudara / dada -na dipegang vj daniel kita tidak tahu, tetapi dari hasil foto menunjukkan bahwa syahrini $$$$$$$$
Jumat, 13 Mei 2011
victoria beckham model hunt at the beach
The singer who now works as a clothing designer Victoria Beckham has turned out to intervene directly to find a model that will demonstrate clothing. The wife of footballer David Beckham was 'hunting' model on the beach.
As reported Female First Thursday (12/05/2011), Victoria looking for the product model in jeans and sunglasses design. He also invited the husband to some of the party on the beach to take pictures of the women who loved Victoria.
The couple finally found the 25-year-old model named Alice Greczyn. Victoria really like to see Alice on the beach in Malibu, California.
"Victoria asked me if I'm a model, the job I was doing before acting. I'm very impressed with his smile, you do not often see him smiling in the photos," said Alice sumringah.
"He then called David and asked him to take pictures of me. To my surprise, I was not nervous," he added.
Victoria chose Alice because her character is in accordance with the spirit of summer 2011 fashion collection design.
As reported Female First Thursday (12/05/2011), Victoria looking for the product model in jeans and sunglasses design. He also invited the husband to some of the party on the beach to take pictures of the women who loved Victoria.
The couple finally found the 25-year-old model named Alice Greczyn. Victoria really like to see Alice on the beach in Malibu, California.
"Victoria asked me if I'm a model, the job I was doing before acting. I'm very impressed with his smile, you do not often see him smiling in the photos," said Alice sumringah.
"He then called David and asked him to take pictures of me. To my surprise, I was not nervous," he added.
Victoria chose Alice because her character is in accordance with the spirit of summer 2011 fashion collection design.
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
latest videos justin kissing Selena
Canadian popular singer, Justin Bieber in Sentul, Bogor, Indonesia was the most beautiful store kendangan for Justin.
besides meet with his fans, Justin also seen fights lips with Selena Gomez who was mentioned was his lover during a press conference in Indonesia.
Earlier in December, they almost would not let themselves be photographed together and now they will be kissing in front of crowds and the camera recorded. Wahh.
besides meet with his fans, Justin also seen fights lips with Selena Gomez who was mentioned was his lover during a press conference in Indonesia.
Earlier in December, they almost would not let themselves be photographed together and now they will be kissing in front of crowds and the camera recorded. Wahh.
justin is not accept spelled bad boy
Justin Bieber's behavior under the spotlight from the star series 'CSI', Marg Helgenberger. Helgenberger called Bieber as juvenile delinquents.
The statement asked Helgenberger when he was interviewed on French radio last Friday. The artist is revealed about the singer of 'Baby' was when he asked what the Bieber while on location filming the series.
"I should not say this, but he is a naughty boy," he said as quoted by, Tuesday, May 10, 2011.
He then gave examples of Bieber's behavior when on the set. He said Bieber had locked one of the producers in the bathroom.
Hear a statement about himself pitched sloping, 17-year-old singer did not stay silent. He immediately gave his reaction. He did not accept called a brat.
"It was kind of weird, when someone who only met briefly and never work with you to comment. But, hopefully I will comment on their luck," said Bieber in his personal twitter account.
Canadian singer goes on for people to stop spreading gossip and issues irresponsible of him.
"The rumors remain rumors. In the end if we remain good, then people will know who we really are. Sometimes people just say what they want to say. Do not spread gossip about other people," he asserted.
The statement asked Helgenberger when he was interviewed on French radio last Friday. The artist is revealed about the singer of 'Baby' was when he asked what the Bieber while on location filming the series.
"I should not say this, but he is a naughty boy," he said as quoted by, Tuesday, May 10, 2011.
He then gave examples of Bieber's behavior when on the set. He said Bieber had locked one of the producers in the bathroom.
Hear a statement about himself pitched sloping, 17-year-old singer did not stay silent. He immediately gave his reaction. He did not accept called a brat.
"It was kind of weird, when someone who only met briefly and never work with you to comment. But, hopefully I will comment on their luck," said Bieber in his personal twitter account.
Canadian singer goes on for people to stop spreading gossip and issues irresponsible of him.
"The rumors remain rumors. In the end if we remain good, then people will know who we really are. Sometimes people just say what they want to say. Do not spread gossip about other people," he asserted.
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